
If you would like to donate to Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Fredericton, NB or otherwise make a financial contribution to our ministries, and would like to use your “Credit Card”, we now offer secure payment options through PayPal. [Details below…]

Click the Donate Button to be directed to the Saint Andrew’s PayPal page:

PayPal Donate Button

Thank you for considering giving to Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Our ministries are 100% funded through the generosity of our members, adherents, and friends by donation or support of our occasional  fundraising activities.

You have five choices if you would like to  contribute:

  1. Join Us for Sunday Worship! We believe that worship is a communal experience involving active participation from all present. The presentation of offerings during the service is an important response to God’s gifts to us.
  2. Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). A regular deduction from your bank account means your gift continues on weeks that you are not able to attend in person. Special PAR cards may be placed on the offering plate as a symbol of your gift. [More information below…]
  3. Online Donation through PayPal. PayPal or credit card donations may be made through PayPal. [More information below…]
  4. Online Donation through Canada Helps. Occasional credit card, PayPal or Interac donations may be made through CanadaHelps. [More information below…]
  5. Drop off or mail. Our address is 512 Charlotte St., Fredericton, NB E3B 1M2. Office hours Tuesday to Friday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Phone 506-455-8220.

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)

Using Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) deduction from a bank account for your offering allows you to give intentionally, proportionally and faithfully to the church, even when you are not able to be with us in person. Providing our church with a dependable flow of contributions also helps with budgeting and reduces paperwork. PAR is the most economical choice for automatic electronic donation; there is no fee to the donor (other than any ordinary debit fee that may be charged by your bank) and the church pays a small fee to the administrator of the plan. This service is open to the public as well as church members. An informational brochure can be viewed at the link below, and the PAR form itself is available below.

PAR Informational Brochure (PDF format)
(please use the PAR form below rather than the one in this brochure)

PAR Authorization Form (PDF format)
(form updated 2016-11-28)

The above form may also be used to adjust the amount of your regular donation or you may call or email the Church Office.

Online Donation

You have two choices for online donations.

PayPal has an option for registered charities, and any donations are available to the church immediately. You can securely make a donation to Saint Andrew’s and pay using a major credit card. Saint Andrew’s will issue official tax receipts if you select the option to share your name and address with us.

Click the Donate button to be directed to the Saint Andrew’s PayPal page:

PayPal Donate Button

CanadaHelps is a registered Canadian non-profit organization that manages online donations for any registered Canadian charity. CanadaHelps charges a higher percentage than PayPal and Saint Andrew’s does not receive the donation immediately, but they accept Interac. Note that you will receive your official tax receipt, in the full amount, from CanadaHelps, not Saint Andrew’s.

Donate to Saint Andrew’s at CanadaHelps

Presbyterian World Service & Development

Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) is the development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Members of the Saint Andrew’s church family frequently respond to immediate need in times of emergency through PWS&D.

Donate to PWS&D

We are grateful for your consideration of giving to Saint Andrew’s.

Fredericton, NB