False Spring 2020-04-05

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada


Message by Rev. Bob Jones

Reader: Dallas Davis
Organist: David Berry
Soloist: Kathie Berry

Includes Scripture Reading: Mark 11:1-11

 If you wish to make a financial contribution to our ministries, visit: http://sapc.ca/donate/

The arrangements of Hymn 218, "Hosanna, loud hosanna," and Hymn 217, "Ride on, ride on in majesty," are from The Presbyterian Church in Canada's "Book of Praise" (1997). ISBN 0-9699900-2-2. Music for both is public domain.

The words  for the hymn "When We Face an Unknown Future" are copyright © 2020 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Used with permission. (https://www.carolynshymns.com/when_we_face_an_unknown_future.html) The tune is Beecher; the arrangement is public domain from Hymn 587 in The Presbyterian Church in Canada's "Book of Praise" (1997). ISBN 0-9699900-2-2.