God is in the House 2021-04-11

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada


0:00 Welcome and Call to Worship
0:53 "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" with "Come Now, Behold Him" (David Berry"
3:10 Prayer of Approach (Jessica Roux)
3:58 Time With Children of All Ages (Lucy and Dr Tom)
8:20 Prayer of Illumination and Reading from Acts 4 (Jamie Howie)
9:23 Psalm 133
9:58 Sermon: "God is in the House" (Rev. Susan Brasier)
24:23 Prayers of the People
27:47 Charge and Benediction
28:22 Postlude: "And Can It Be That I Should Gain" (David Berry)

Minister: Rev. Susan Brasier
Organist & Music Director: David Berry
Prayer of Approach: Jessica Roux
Scripture Reader: Jamie Howie
Storytellers: Lucy and Dr Tom

If you wish to make a financial contribution to our ministries, visit: http://sapc.ca/donate/

All music in the public domain or used with permission under CCLI License.

A Goud-enough production