What Are Your Demons? 2021-01-31
Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
0:00 Welcome and Call to Worship
3:07 Prayer of Approach (Nick Blom)
4:19 Time with Children of All Ages (Sheila Black with Lucy)
9:50 Prayer of Illumination (Rose Carolyn Smith)
10:07 Scripture Reading (Rose Carolyn Smith)
13:43 Sermon: "What Are Your Demons?" (Rev. Susan Brasier)
29:46 "Silence! Frenzied, Untamed Spirit" (Tom Goud)
32:23 Prayers of the People
36:17 Charge and Benediction
36:49 Postlude: "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (David Berry)
Minister: Rev. Susan Brasier
Organist & Music Director: David Berry
Scripture Reader: Rose Carolyn Smith
Storyteller: Sheila Black and Lucy
Soloist: Tom Goud
Prayer of Approach: Nick Blom
If you wish to make a financial contribution to our ministries, visit: http://sapc.ca/donate/
All music in the public domain or used with permission under CCLI License #2742748.