Our dear friends, the Zuidhofs, are starting their new life on the shores of White Lake, British Columbia. A story and a number of black and white images were printed in the November 2016 issue of The Link. Colour copies of those images appear below.
Category Archives: Celebrations
Visiting New Brunswick’s Past
One of New Brunswick’s newer families had an opportunity to visit the province’s past on Sunday, October 2. The AlKreiz family spent a sunny afternoon at King’s Landing Historical Settlement, a recreation of 19th century life in New Brunswick.
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Double Celebration
We gathered twice on Sunday September 11 to celebrate with members of our Church Family. Following worship, we shared cake with those in the congregation born in the month of September, some of whom are pictured here.
Later in the afternoon we joined with family and friends of Glen and Mary Hossack as they marked 50 years of marriage!
Of course, there was more cake.
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Wish Granted
Make-A-Wish® Atlantic Provinces Grants Jack Leifso’s Wish
Jack Leifso arrived home on a recent Sunday afternoon, after a fun weekend with his family, to a complete room make-over with a Star Wars theme thanks to Make-A-Wish® Atlantic Provinces! Jack’s bed which can be seen in the photo, is custom made to resemble the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon (from the new Star Wars movie, “The Force Awakens.”) His room includes all new furniture, a Walkie-Talkie on top of his “Command Central” (new desk) and decorative Star Wars items can be seen everywhere in the room. Jack’s favourite is the watercolour framed picture of Jack and his dad, Troy (also a big Star Wars Fan!) dressed as Jedi holding light sabres. Our Fall newsletter, “The Link,” will include a feature article from an interview with Jack and his family, so stay tuned for more details.
…submitted by Kathie Berry
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Baptism, June 26, 2016
Baptism is a gift from God. There is nothing we can do to earn, deserve, or purchase baptism. It is first of all a sign that God, in Christ, has done all that is necessary to redeem us. The mystery of faith is that God’s act of self-giving is offered to us freely, long before we begin to recognize, want, or understand it.
(Book of Common Worship, 1991)
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