Jesus told his disciples, “where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” and indeed we will gather together for worship in Christ’s presence, however, the Saint Andrew’s Session has decided that until further notice we will follow the practices below:
The greeter will be at the back of the church to greet with a nod, smile and to direct people to the stacks of bulletins and location of collection plates. Offerings can be placed in the plates either on entering or on retiring from the sanctuary.
As you enter, we encourage you to find a seat, taking into account not tradition, but rather experts’ recommendations regarding “social distancing”.
For those on PAR there will be no need to collect an “offering card”, as we will receive our gifts as a retiring offering, thus further limiting interaction.
There will be no coffee hour following worship
We appreciate your understanding during these unique times and will continue to hold our community, country, and indeed all God’s children, in prayer.