Category Archives: Celebrations


by Abigail Wortman, West Long Branch, New Jersey

On the first day of first grade, I stood by the front door with butterflies in my stomach. I voiced my biggest concern to my mother: “How will I make friends?” Crouching in front of me, she handed me advice I carry with me to this day: “Be Switzerland.” Be friends with everyone. Treat everyone equally and fairly. For all of my 20 years, I have lived by these words. Soon I will graduate and become a part of the real world. And on that first day, nervously facing new responsibilities, I know I will whisper two words to myself: “Be Switzerland.”

The One They Call the King

Audio Player

Winter ending promised light but now we know the dark of night
To test our faith, test our might
To make it through the Spring

Just days ago he entered town palms and praises on the ground
Loud Hosannahs they did sound
For the one they called the King.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, your love and praises bring
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, for the one they called the King

Pontius said in a coward’s voice “Pick the one, make my choice
The thief will live, the other die
The one they call the King”

“Stuck on a cross his history a prophet shamed for Eternity
This Son of God will bow to me
The one they call the King”

Hallelujah chorus

His body taken from the wooden frame draped in cloth, robed in shame
Placed in a dark and lowly cave
The one they called the King

Soon days will pass his promise kept
His true disciples frightened yet will feel the power from on high
The one they called the King

Hallelujah chorus

As we live in fear we can’t forget He is Risen now, his promise kept
Our Lord, Our Saviour will not let
Us suffer more than He

Hold to the promise that he brings this Easter time our praises sing
Our faith our strength through the Son of God
The one we call the King

Hallelujah chorus

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, your love and praises bring
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, for the one we call the King

For the one we call the King.

Lyrics copyright © Ronald E Bagnell.
Tune: Variation of “Star of the County Down” (Irish traditional) and Kingsford (public domain).  Arranged by Ron Bagnell
Reprinted with permission.

Vocals: Ron Bagnell, Helen McKinnon-Bagnell
Keyboard: Kelti Goudie
Guitar: Ron Bagnell


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Palm Sunday

Today, Sunday, April 5 is Palm Sunday! In the spirit of decorating our front windows, as we have been doing with rainbows, teddy bears and all manner of uplifting pictures, let’s cover our windows with palm branches this Sunday and leave them until the following Sunday when we can replace them with a cross.

Announcements February 9, 2020

Join us in the hall on Sunday after worship for light refreshments to celebrate the Ordination of Elders

Elected Elders to be Ordained: Jamie Howie, Margo Sheppard, Wanda Klingbell

Previously Ordained Elected Elders: Rose Carolyn Smith, Hugh Astle, Cindy Howie, Ed Peterson and Calvin MacIntosh.

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Feb 9):

Greeters: Doris Johnson
Coffee Hosts: Fraser Family
Scripture Reading: Tony Watson
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Offering Receivers: Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan, Greg & Sheila Black
Counters:  Calvin MacIntosh, Greg & Sheila Black

Next week’s volunteers (Feb 16):

Greeters: Rebecca Jonah
Coffee Hosts: Sheila & Greg Black
Scripture Reading: Volunteer Needed
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Offering Receivers: Sheila & Greg Black, Wanda Klingbell, Rose Johnston
Counters:  Calvin MacIntosh, Greg & Sheila Black

Please pick up your 2019 Annual Income Tax Receipt at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday.

Annual Meeting – The Annual Meeting has been rescheduled to Sunday, February 23rd following worship service.  Potluck lunch provided by Board and Session members.

Outreach Initiative: “Caps” and KD

Please donate warm hats and non-perishable macaroni and cheese packages for the month of February to help people in need of warmth and comfort in the downtown core.

Barnabas Warming Centre (Brunswick Street Baptist Church) – Volunteers are needed to help provide a warm and welcoming environment. Sign up through ConnectFredericton.

Board of Managers – Anyone interested in serving as a Board Member, please contact Bill Cocburn.

Thank you – I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your kind generosity with the scholarship fund.  It was deeply touching to know the love of this church.  I have been blessed by your prayer, hugs and help.  Your kind generosity will allow me to focus mor on learning, for that I thank you.  Hugs, Jacqueline

Events at St. James Presbyterian Church – Valentine’s Tea, Fri, Feb 14 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. and A Leap Year Dinner on Sat, Feb 29 Tickets:  $25 each please RSVP at 450-4031.