Category Archives: Celebrations

Announcements July 2, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (July 2):

Offering Receivers: Andrew & Carol Ottens, Colleen & Tony Watson
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, John White, Vickie MacLeod
Scripture Reader: Andrew Speight
Greeters: Wanda Klingbell, Hollie Craig
Lemonade on the Lawn: Need a Volunteer
Nursery/Supervision: Needs 2 Volunteers (Elders)

Nursery/Childcare will be provided during the summer months.  All children up to those finishing grade 3 are invited to go to the Nursery for supervision.

Please join us as we celebrate July birthdays. Whether it is a milestone or not we have reason to celebrate and thank God for the beautiful gift of life.  Of course we have cake but let’s not let cake be the focus, it is the people we wish to celebrate!
Daniel Taylor
Greg Black
Doris Stairs
Nathaniel Speight
Tony Watson
Ed Peterson
Hugh Astle
Angela Black
Gwendolyn Burrill
Leslie Storey
Kaleb Wilson
Will Johnson
Isabel Richford
Gerald McCully

Lemonade on the Lawn – Please join us today on the church lawn after worship.  Please see sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

Camp Sponsorship – Funds are available to defray costs for any children/ youth of Saint Andrew’s Church attending any Christian camp this summer.  Please submit a receipt of payment or a copy of the registration form, by July 2, for the camp you plan to attend.  Amounts are dependent the number of requests received.

Noon Hour Recital –  Piano Duets featuring pianists Krystyna Higgins & Dianne Roxborough Brown. Wednesday July 5, 12:10pm-12:50pm at Christ Church Parish Church.  All are welcome! Admission by freewill donation to support the music programs at Christ Church Parish Church.

Carpentry Work – Majed Alkreiz is available evenings and weekends to do odd jobs and carpentry work, both inside and outside. Please contact Majed

Pulpit Supply

July 2 – Rev. Basil Lowery


Palm Sunday 2017

What a wonderful start to Holy Week—the enthusiasm of the parade of palm branches and experiencing the musical contribution of the Children’s Choir

…followed by the uneasiness of what is to come.

Are we prepared for the lows of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday before emerging to the joy of Easter?

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