Before we began our Lenten stories, about eight weeks ago, we were talking about Godly Play. We talked about Sacred Stories and Parables. Last Sunday I talked about the sacred work we do to help us remember the stories of the Children of God (that is you and me and all people who choose to love God.)
Today I want to remind you of the FEAST that we enjoy in the classroom. I know if we were together today you would tell me that the Godly Play feast isn‘t what we would normally consider a feast. We usually think of a feast as a big dining table loaded with all sorts of delicious food and most likely some friends and family would join us.

But the “Godly Play” feast mimics our church communion. A small amount of bread and juice (or crackers and water) is all we need to remember Jesus sacrifice. The sacrifice he made, on the cross. He shed his blood, symbolized by the juice and gave up his earthly body, symbolized in the bread, so that he could take our place in death. We can live together with him for eternity.

Right now we are asked not to gather for a big feast with friends or family that live outside our home. But we can still FEAST, show Jesus we love him and that we remember his sacrifice. Today when you have a meal with those you live with, take turns serving each other and…..