As is our custom on the first Sunday of each month, we gathered after worship on Sunday September 6 to celebrate the birthdays of all those born during the month.
Worship Service returns to 11:00 am this Sunday, September 13.
Church School resumes this Sunday, September 13. If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or greeter please talk to Sheila or Terri.
The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the Fall issue of “The Link”. Please send submissions to the church office before September 13.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group will be resuming on September 15th at 9:30am. We’ll meet in the kitchen and enjoy each other’s company along with a cup of coffee/tea, some lovely goodies and devotions. Please come and join us.
Church Corn Boil – Please note the change of time and venue. We will gather on Sunday, September 20 from 3 – 6pm, at the home of Aron & Sarah Zuidhof. All meals will take place on he “upper level.” Those wishing to participate in water activities may do so. Aron has a large waterslide. The residence is 20-25 minutes away on the banks of the beautiful St. John River. Rides will be available.
Rain date: If rain is forecast, a decision will be made on Sat, Sept 19th to hold the event in the church hall following worship service.
Pastoral Care Committee will meet September 13 in the Hall after worship service. Please join us if you are interested in being part of the committee or have suggestions to offer. For more information, contact Rose Carolyn Smith.
Girl Guides – 5th Fredericton Sparks (ages 5-6), Brownies (ages 7-8) and Guides (ages 9-11) meet at 6:15 on Wednesday evenings here at Saint Andrew’s starting Sept 16th. New members welcome. Registration is online at or contact Carol Ottens for more information ( Thank you for supporting Guiding at our church.
Scouts – Regular meeting will start on Sept. 15th for Beavers (6 – 7 pm), Cubs (6 – 7:30 pm) and Scouts and Venturers (6:30 – 8:30 pm). New Members welcome!
Yoga for Pain Relief – Mondays at 4 pm, September 21st to December 14 at Shannex Parkland. Everyone is welcome but space is limited. Please register by emailing Penny at
“Writing Our Lives” Writers’ Group – Beginning Sept. 21 from 2- 4 pm at Shannex Parkland. Meetings are held once a month and are free and open to the public. To RSVP please call Penny at 460-8546
Nursery/Childcare – All children up to those finishing grade 3 are invited to go to the Nursery for supervision.
Please join us as we celebrate September birthdays. Whether it is a milestone or not we have reason to celebrate and thank God for the beautiful gift of life. Of course we have cake but let’s not let cake be the focus, it is the people we wish to celebrate!
Ariel Ottens
Jillian and Nolan McGraw
Stephen MacKay
Dennis van den Heuvel
Robert Howie
Jean Hood
Lois Eldridge
Owen Keetch
Kathie Berry
Julie Peterson
Rose Carolyn Smith
Will Brostowski
Kathy MacKay
Donna Jones
Worship Service returns to 11:00 am next Sunday, September 13.
Church School will resume on Sept 13. If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or greeter please talk to Sheila or Terri.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group will be resuming on September 15th at 9:30 am. We’ll meet in the kitchen and enjoy each other’s company along with a cup of coffee/tea, some lovely goodies and devotions. Please come and join us.
The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the Fall issue of “The Link”. Please send submissions to the church office before September 13.
Church Corn Boil – Sunday September 20th, 2015 Join us following the worship service for our annual fellowship corn boil!. This is a great opportunity to re-connect with all the people you missed over the summer, and to invite friends and neighbours to meet your church family.
Scout Registration Night – Sept. 8, from 6-7:30 pm in the Church Hall. Beaver, Cub and Scout meetings begin September 15.
Grief Share – Beginning Sept 10 at 7:00 pm, at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. A 13 week video series on grief and recovery, combined with support group discussions for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. For more information please call 458-8348.
DivorceCare – Beginning Sept 15 at 6:30 pm at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. Helping those feeling the pain caused by marital estrangement, separation or divorce. For more information please call 458-8348
Fredericton Christian Academy – Currently accepting applications for scholarships. For more information please visit their website at
“Writing Our Lives” Writers’ Group – Beginning Sept. 21 from 2- 4 pm at Shannex Parkland. Meetings are held once a month and are free and open to the public. To RSVP please call Penny Pacey at 460 8546
Thank You – Shiela and John White thank you very much for all the prayers, good thoughts and cards she and they received during Shiela’s serious surgery and recuperation, and the many, many good wishes on their 50th wedding anniversary. A lot of love and gratitude goes to Sarah Zuidhof for her hard work to make our anniversary so special.
College and Career Dinner – Sunday, August 30 from 6:30 to 9:30 at Jordan and Candace’s apartment. Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated. Let Jordan know by Saturday, Aug 29th if you are interested.
Worship Service on Sept 6 will be held at 10:00 am. In the fall, Worship Services return to 11:00 am beginning on September 13.
The Link – Preparations are underway for the Fall issue of “The Link”. Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Please send submissions to the church office before September 13.
Church School will resume on Sept 13. If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or greeter please talk to Sheila or Terri.
Kings Landing Summer Service:
– September 13th @ 2:00 pm led by Cathy Scott
Grief Share – Beginning Sept 10 at 7:00 pm, at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. A 13 week video series by Christian experts on grief and recovery, combined with support group discussions for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Please call 458-8348 for more information.
A memorial service for Charmian Scott will be held at Saint Andrew’s Church on Saturday, August 22 at ten thirty (10:30 am) followed by a reception in the hall. Charmian was a faithful member of our congregation for many years.
The sympathy of our congregation is extended to the family of Doris Nicholson. Doris passed away this past Thursday morning. A service celebrating her life will be held Sunday afternoon, Aug 23 at 2 p.m. at Saint Andrew’s Church
Jr/Sr High School Campfire – Sunday, August 23rd from 7:30 to 9:30 at Odell Park. S’mores, games and stories, bring a friend! Let Jordan know if you are interested.
College and Career Dinner – Sunday, August 30 from 6:30 to 9:30 at Jordan and Candace’s apartment. Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated. Let Jordan know by Saturday, Aug 29th if you are interested.
Kings Landing Summer Service:
– September 13th @ 2:00 pm led by Cathy Scott