All posts by stephenmackay

Announcements September 30, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Sep. 30)

Offering Receivers: Jessie Sagawa, Stephen MacKay, David & Leslee Dell
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Drew Speight, Vickie MacLeod
Scripture Reader: Stephen MacKay
Greeters: Doris Stairs
Coffee Hour: Jean & Al Boudreau
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Oct. 7)

Offering Receivers: Elders
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson
Scripture Reader: Jeanne Kaye Speight
Greeters: Lois Eldridge
Coffee Hour: Choir
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

The Link – A reminder to please pick up your copy of The Link at the back of the sanctuary today.

Apple Picking – Join us for a Church Family Outing to Riverview Orchards this Sunday, September 30 from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.  The orchard is located at 251 NB-616, Keswick Ridge NB (E6L 1V1).  The orchard has apple picking, hay rides and a corn maze.  Please note that apples are priced by weight and variety and that the corn maze is $7/person or $20/family.  Wagon rides on the weekend are free.   Everyone is welcome to come out an enjoy an afternoon in the orchard!

Flooring Update – The supplier of the replacement hall flooring has confirmed that the supplies will be placed in the hall on Friday, September 28 for acclimation and installed on Wednesday, Thursday, October 3 and 4.  All items on the hall floor will have to be stored in the vestibule and the sanctuary from October 2 to 5.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 26th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 27th 9am-noon.

Minister’s Moving Fund

As of September 23, the moving fund has $4,425 out of an estimated $8000. As shown on the map below, at a rate of $5/km, our virtual moving van has reached Sainte-Eulalie, QC — a distance of 885 km out of 1600).


Announcements September 23, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Sep 23)

Offering Receivers: Paul Lawson, Colleen Watson, Lucille & Don McCrea
Counters: David Dell, Rose Carolyn Smith, Paul Lawson
Scripture Reader: Stephen MacKay
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Volunteer Needed
Nursery: Mary Hossack, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Sep 30)

Offering Receivers: Jessie Sagawa, Stephen MacKay, David & Leslee Dell
Counters: David Dell, Drew Speight, Vickie MacLeod
Scripture Reader: Kathy MacKay
Greeters: Doris Stairs
Coffee Hour: Jean & Al Boudreau
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Church School has started! If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or doorkeeper, please talk to Jordan or Terri.

Minister’s Moving Fund

As of September 16, the moving fund has $4,055 out of an estimated $8000. As shown on the map below, at a rate of $5/km, our virtual moving van has reached Saint-Hyacinthe, QC — 811 out of 1600 km).

Choir –  Sr. Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm for the upcoming worship services and special seasonal music.  New or returning choir members are always welcome and we are especially looking for support in the men’s sections.  Children’s Choir will begin on Friday, September 21st from 4:00 – 4:30 in the Church Hall.  There is no age limit and all children are welcome!  We are hoping to be ready to sing for Thanksgiving Sunday.

The Link – Please pick up your copy of The Link at the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday.

Youth Group Fall Kickoff: Friday, September 21st from 6:30 to 10:30. Our classic beginning of the school year event, beginning with a campfire at Odell Park (weather permitting) then back to the church for more food and  fun and games. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, September 23rd, 6:30 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville. Drives can be arranged, and diets accommodated. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

The Presbytery Induction Service – for Rev Jon Van Den Berg will be held on Sept 26 at 7pm at Saint Andrew’s.

Flooring Update – The supplier of the replacement hall flooring has confirmed that the supplies will be placed in the hall on Friday, September 28 for acclimation and installed on Wednesday, Thursday, October 3 and 4.  All items on the hall floor will have to be stored in the vestibule and the sanctuary from October 2 to 5.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 26th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 27th 9am-noon.

Girl Guides and Scouts – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet Tuesday evenings beginning September 18. Sparks, Brownies and Guides meet on Wednesdays beginning September 19.


Corn Boil 2018

Sunday September 16, 2018 was an exciting day in the life of our congregation. Not only did we welcome the Rev. Jon and Cathy Van Den Berg to our Church family, but we had a fabulous fall feast (!) of fresh corn from Hoyt’s Orchards and pot-luck treats provided by our excellent cooks.



Warm fellowship was supplied by all.


No one went home hungry.



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Announcements September 16, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Sep 16)

Offering Receivers: David & Leslee Dell, Humphery Akwar, Jessie Sagawa
Counters: David Dell, Ron & Helen Bagnell, Brian Barnes
Scripture Reader: Rose Carolyn Smith
Greeters: Humphery Akwar, Jessie Sagawa
Coffee Hour: Corn Boil
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Sep 23)

Offering Receivers: Paul Lawson, Tony Watson, Lucille & Don McCrea
Counters: David Dell, Paul Lawson, Bill Cockburn
Scripture Reader: Tony Watson
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Ardean MacKinnon-Hayward & George Hayward
Nursery: Mary Hossack, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Church Corn Boil – Please join us following the worship service this Sunday, Sept 16th as we welcome the Van Den Bergs to our church family and celebrate our Annual Fellowship Corn Boil and Pot-luck Lunch!

Hot, fresh corn as well as beverages will be provided…you bring your favourite pot luck dish (salad, rolls, cold cuts, etc.) or dessert.

Minister’s Moving Fund

You will find an envelope included in this week’s bulletin, giving you an opportunity to offset the moving expenses for Rev Jon and Cathy Van Den Berg, from Fingal, Ontario to our Beautiful City.
It is anticipated that the moving costs will amount to approximately $8,000.00, with the distance between these two locations being 1600 kilometres. This expense was not included in the Annual Budget, as it could not be projected in February exactly when the vacancy would be filled.
You will see a large map below and at the back of the Church, highlighting the route between the two communities, and indicating how many kilometres are already covered. Each kilometre will cost $5.00, and as of September 13 we have $3,425 in the Moving Fund, enough for our virtual moving van to travel 685 km to Coteau-du-Lac, QC (across the bridge from Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, about half way between the Ontario border and Montreal).
A Committee has been struck to undertake this endeavour, chaired by Stephen MacKay.

Church School has started! If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or doorkeeper, please talk to Jordan or Terri.

Choir –  Sr. Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm for the upcoming worship services and special seasonal music.  New or returning choir members are always welcome and we are especially looking for support in the men’s sections.  Children’s Choir will begin on Friday, September 21st from 4:00 – 4:30 in the Church Hall.  There is no age limit and all children are welcome!  We are hoping to be ready to sing for Thanksgiving Sunday.

The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the Fall issue of “The Link”.  Deadline for submissions is Sept 16th.  Please send material to the church office.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Group – Tuesdays at 9:30am.  We’ll meet in the kitchen and enjoy each other’s company along with a cup of coffee/tea, some lovely goodies and devotions. Please come and join us.

Youth Group Fall Kickoff: Friday, September 21st from 6:30 to 10:30. Our classic beginning of the school year event, beginning with a campfire at Odell Park (weather permitting) then back to the church for more food and  fun and games. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, September 23rd, 6:30 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville. Drives can be arranged, and diets accommodated. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

Girl Guides and Scouts – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet Tuesday evenings beginning September 18.  Sparks, Brownies and Guides meet on Wednesdays beginning September 19.

Save the Date! – The Presbytery Induction Service for Rev Jon Van Den Berg will be held on Sept 26 here at Saint Andrew’s.


Announcements September 9, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Sep 9)

Offering Receivers: Lucille & Don McCrea, Brian Barnes, Rebecca Jonah
Counters: David Dell, John Astle, Rebecca Jonah
Scripture Reader: Nicholas Blom
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Jeanne Kaye & Dick Speight
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Sep 16)

Offering Receivers: David & Leslee Dell, Humphery Akwar, Jessie Sagawa
Counters: David Dell, Ron & Helen Bagnell, Brian Barnes
Scripture Reader: Rose Carolyn Smith
Greeters: Humphery Akwar, Jessie Sagawa
Coffee Hour: Corn Boil
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Church School resumes Sunday.  If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or doorkeeper, please talk to Jordan or Terri.

A Note from Rev. Wendy:

I am pleased to confirm that the Rev. Jon Van Den Berg’s call to Saint Andrew’s has been approved by his home Presbytery and he has formally accepted the call.  He will begin ministering at SAPC on September 15, with his first worship service planned for September 16. 

Save the Date – The Presbytery Induction Service for Rev Jon Van Den Berg will be held on Wednesday, Sept 26th here at Saint Andrew’s.

Minister’s Moving Fund

You will find an envelope included in this week’s bulletin, giving you an opportunity to offset the moving expenses for Rev Jon and Cathy Van Den Berg, from Fingal, Ontario to our Beautiful City.
It is anticipated that the moving costs will amount to approximately $8,000.00, with the distance between these two locations being 1600 kilometres. This expense was not included in the Annual Budget, as it could not be projected in February exactly when the vacancy would be filled.
You will see a large map at the back of the Church, highlighting the route between the two communities, and indicating how many kilometres are already covered. Each kilometre will cost $5.00, and as of September 8 we have $1,570 in the Moving Fund.
A Committee has been struck to undertake this endeavour, chaired by Stephen MacKay.

You are encouraged to use the enclosed envelope, to help offset the expected moving costs.

Choir –  Sr. Choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 12th at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary for the upcoming worship services and special seasonal music.  New or returning choir members are always welcome and we are especially looking for support in the men’s sections.  Children’s Choir will begin on Friday, September 21st from 4:00 – 4:30 in the Church Hall.  There is no age limit and all children are welcome!  We are hoping to be ready to sing for Thanksgiving Sunday.

Church Corn Boil – Sunday, Sept 16th. Join us following the worship service for our Annual Fellowship Corn Boil! Hot, fresh corn as well as beverages will be provided…you bring your favourite pot luck dishes and desserts.

The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the Fall issue of “The Link”.  Deadline for submissions is Sept 16th.  Please send material to the church office.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Group will be resuming on September 11th at 9:30am.  We’ll meet in the kitchen and enjoy each other’s company along with a cup of coffee/tea, some lovely goodies and devotions. Please come and join us.

Youth Group Fall Kickoff: Friday, September 21st from 6:30 to 10:30. Our classic beginning of the school year event, beginning with a campfire at Odell Park (weather permitting) then back to the church for more food and  fun and games. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, September 23rd, 6:30 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville. Drives can be arranged, and diets accommodated. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

Girl Guides and Scouts – Sparks, Brownies and Guides meet on Wednesdays beginning September 19. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet Tuesday evenings beginning September 18th. The 5th Fredericton Scouts registration night will take place on Sept 11 from 6 – 7:30 pm in the church hall.

Shiela, John, and Stephanie White would like to thank their friends in Saint Andrews’ for all the cards, letters, and phone calls of love and support following the death of their son, Dr. Colin Thomas White, in Vancouver, BC, on July 29.  Colin was a member of this church and made friends with many here before he left to continue his studies.  Because He lives, we know we shall see him again!
– With kindest regards, Shiela