All posts by stephenmackay

Announcements September 2, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Sep 2)

Offering Receivers: Linda Pond, Margo & Larry Sheppard, Wanda Klingbell
Counters: David Dell, Wanda Klingbell, Margo & Larry Sheppard
Scripture Reader: Dallas Davis
Greeters: Wanda Klingbell
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Jordan Schriver, Colleen Watson

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Sep 9)

Offering Receivers: Lucille & Don McCrea, Brian Barnes, Rebecca Jonah
Counters: David Dell, John Astle, Rebecca Jonah
Scripture Reader: Nicholas Blom
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Jeanne Kaye & Dick Speight
Nursery/Supervision: Colleen & Tony Watson

Please join us as we celebrate September birthdays:

  • Ariel Ottens
  • Lois Eldridge
  • Owen Keetch
  • Stephen MacKay
  • Kathie Berry
  • Julie Peterson
  • Rose Carolyn Smith
  • David Charters
  • Kathy MacKay
  • Mike Nickerson
  • Kaelyn Nickerson
  • Rebecca Jonah
  • Donna Jones

A Note from Rev. Wendy:

I am back from summer leave and am pleased to confirm that the Rev. Jon Van Den Berg’s call to Saint Andrew’s has been approved by his home Presbytery and he has formally accepted the call.  He will begin ministering at SAPC on September 15, with his first worship service planned for September 16.

I am not intending to call a session meeting in early September unless an urgent matter arises.  I’ve spoken with Rev. Van Den Berg and the next session meeting will likely be Monday October 1 at 7 p.m. (to be confirmed).  With regards to transition, the congregation or appropriate committees/individuals will be contacted and informed as needed. Thank you.

Minister’s Moving Fund

You will find an envelope included in this week’s bulletin, giving you an opportunity to offset the moving expenses for Rev Jon and Cathy Van Den Berg, from Fingal, Ontario to our Beautiful City.
It is anticipated that the moving costs will amount to approximately $8,000.00, with the distance between these two locations being 1600 kilometres. This expense was not included in the Annual Budget, as it could not be projected in February exactly when the vacancy would be filled.
You will see a large map at the back of the Church, highlighting the route between the two communities, and indicating how many kilometres are already covered. Each kilometre will cost $5.00, and we have $720.00 already in the Moving Fund.
A Committee has been struck to undertake this endeavour, chaired by Stephen MacKay.

You are encouraged to use the enclosed envelope, to help offset the expected moving costs.

Upcoming Events:

  • Church School resumes – Sept  9
  • Tuesday Morning Ladies Group resumes – Sept 11
  • Submissions for The Link due – Sept 16
  • Welcome Back Corn Boil – Sept 16
  • Presbytery Induction Service for Rev. Jon Van Den Berg – Sept 26 at 7pm

Pulpit Supply:

  • September 2 – Marlene Phillips
  • September 9 – Andrew Speight

Grief Share – Beginning September 6 at 7:00 pm at Brunswick Street Baptist Church, a 13-week series for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  Please call 458-8348 if you would like more information.


Announcements August 26, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Aug 26)

Offering Receivers: Al & Jean Boudreau, Linda Pond, Rebecca Jonah
Counters: Linda Pond, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Rebecca Jonah
Greeters: Al & Arlene MacDonald
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Elders

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Sep 2)

Offering Receivers: Linda Pond, Margo & Larry Sheppard, Wanda Klingbell
Counters: David Dell, Wanda Klingbell, Margo & Larry Sheppard
Scripture Reader: Dallas Davis
Greeters: Wanda Klingbell
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Jordan Schriver, Colleen Watson

A Note from Rev. Wendy:

I am back from summer leave and am pleased to confirm that the Rev. Jon Van Den Berg’s call to Saint Andrew’s has been approved by his home Presbytery and he has formally accepted the call.  He will begin ministering at SAPC on September 15, with his first worship service planned for September 16.

I am not intending to call a session meeting in early September unless an urgent matter arises.  I’ve spoken with Rev. Van Den Berg and the next session meeting will likely be Monday October 1 at 7 p.m. (to be confirmed).  With regards to transition, the congregation or appropriate committees/individuals will be contacted and informed as needed.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to the congregation of Saint Andrew’s for the heartfelt support, generosity and hospitality you extended to both the friends and family of the late Constable Burns and Roy Melanson.  I am also grateful for the way you came together as a church family to comfort those mourning under challenging circumstances and tight timeframes.  Thank you.

Upcoming Events:

  • Church School resumes – Sept  9
  • Tuesday Morning Ladies Group resumes – Sept 11
  • Submissions for The Link due – Sept 16
  • Welcome Back Corn Boil – Sept 16
  • Induction Service for Rev. Van Den Berg – Sept 26 at 7pm

Pulpit Supply:

  • August 26 – Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery
  • September 2 – Marlene Phillips
  • September 9 – Andrew Speight

Grief Share – Beginning September 6 at 7:00 pm at Brunswick Street Baptist Church, a 13-week series for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  Please call 458-8348 if you would like more information.


Announcements August 19, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Aug 19)

Offering Receivers: Al & Jean Boudreau, Brian Barnes, David Charters
Counters: Linda Pond, David Charters, Brian Barnes
Scripture Reader: Calvin MacIntosh
Greeters: Al & Jean Boudreau
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Elders

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Aug 26)

Offering Receivers: Al & Jean Boudreau, Linda Pond, Rebecca Jonah
Counters: Linda Pond, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Rebecca Jonah
Greeters: Al & Arlene MacDonald
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Elders

Update from the Interim Moderator re: The Call of Rev. Jon Van Den Berg:

The call documents for Rev. Van Den Berg have been received by his home Presbytery and are being reviewed by the appropriate ministry committee for recommendation to his Presbytery.  We are now aiming for a September 15 start date.

Grief Share – Beginning Thursday, September 6 at 7:00 pm, in the Family Room, Brunswick Street Baptist Church, a 13-week series for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  Please call 458-8348 if you would like more information.

Summer Time Hymn Sing – Brunswick Street Baptist Church on Tuesday, August 21 at 7 pm.  All welcome.

Pulpit Supply:

  • August 19 – Jacqueline Cleland
  • August 26 – Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery
  • September 2 – Marlene Phillips
  • September 9 – Andrew Speight

Prayers in Response to Today’s Tragedy (Aug. 10, 2018)

If any of you, or someone you knows, needs pastoral support in response to today’s horrific events, please speak with me or a church elder that we may help give or get the support you need.

Below is a prayer I’ve written and pray with you. You are welcome to share this prayer with others.

Rev. Wendy

Creating, Redeeming, and Sustaining God:

Early this morning, people woke up,
not to the sound of chirping birds,
but to the sound of gunshots and sirens.

Early this morning, people checked their newsfeeds and turned on their radio,
not to witty posts or favourite tunes,
but to warnings to stay inside and avoid familiar streets.

Today, people were not lead through the still comfort of their daily routines…
Like seniors walking the Brookside mall…
friends and workers getting their morning Tim’s…
people traveling to work, looking forward to the fun of weekend activities.
But instead, people were shocked to find their neighbourhood in lockdown.

Today, two individuals on the northside woke up to a new day of possibilities,
But, within a short moment,
had a lifetime of possibilities to come… viciously ended.

Today, a perpetrator ran from the scene of evil he or she created.
But, courageous men and women ran towards such evil to deliver us to safety.

Today, honourable men and women gave their lives to protect and serve.
But for two of these good and faithful servants,
their first response became
their last response.

Today, an individual woke up,
and for reasons we will never comprehend, even when facts become available,
ended the lives of four individuals,
wounded many others,
and inflicted great suffering
on those who loved and befriended them.

Lord God, you are our first responder.
In you, we shall lack nothing.
Your response… your actions… are our lifeline.

As we face the devastation of today’s tragedy across the river,
We call on you to lead us beside still waters and restore our souls.
Lead us in right paths, to fullness of life once more.

Today, we feel our safe community has seen and walked through a dark valley.
But in the face of evil, we say #FrederictonStrong.
We will not fear evil.
You are with us.
You will comfort us and embrace us.
You will walk with us, hand in hand, in our suffering,
as we work through all our emotions and realities.
Goodness will prevail even in the face of incomprehensible violence and loss.

On your cross, you suffered with us and gave your life
for the redemption of this world.
And so, in the presence of danger and suffering,
we call on your healing powers.
We call on you to touch the physical wounds those injured
– and the mental scars to come –
with words of healing now and day-by-day.
We call on you to deliver strength to our first responders.
We call on you to guide the hands of the medical community
working to healing those injured.
We call on you to guide those who provide care to those who mourn.
We call on you to bless the police department with wisdom
as they do their investigative work.
We call on you for justice,
as well as restoration of safety and peace
in this community.

In the darkness, we trust that your light will shine through.
We believe:
The images of today’s violence that cannot be erased from their memory
will be coloured by the beauty of your healing words.
Death will not have the final word.
Good will obliterate evil.
Love is stronger than hate.
Those who mourn will be comforted.
And you will anoint this community
so that it overflows with joy and grace upon grace.

Not only shall goodness and mercy follow us,
but we too will do our part to protect and nurture life.
We will move forward in the belief that good will triumph over evil,
that hope, justice and peace can be achieved even in the face of adversity.
Where there is life, there is hope. And where there is hope, there is life.
Bless and bulletproof our spirits, and especially those of first responders,
so that we can strengthen our community.


Announcements July 29, 2018

The Church Office will be closed July 26th to Aug 12th. In the event of an urgent matter, please contact Jeanne Kaye Speight, Clerk of Session.

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (July 29)

Offering Receivers: Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson, Jessie Sagawa, Volunteer Needed
Counters: John Astle, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson
Scripture Reader: Calvin MacIntosh
Greeters: Doris & Willis Johnson
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Jordan Schriver, Jeanne Kaye Speight

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Aug 5)

Offering Receivers: Carol & Andrew Ottens, Linda Pond, Brian Barnes
Counters: Linda Pond, Brian Barnes
Scripture Reader: Annette Stehouwer
Greeters: Carol & Andrew Ottens
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Elders

Thank you to our volunteers (Aug 12)

Offering Receivers: Linda Pond, Wanda Klingbell, Paul Lawson, Mary Hossack
Counters: Linda Pond, Paul Lawson
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Lois Eldridge
Lemonade on the Lawn: Volunteer Needed
Nursery/Supervision: Elders

Update from the Interim Moderator re: The Call of Rev. Jon Van Den Berg:

The call documents for Rev. Van Den Berg have been received by his home Presbytery and are being reviewed by the appropriate ministry committee for recommendation to his Presbytery.  They’ve encountered some delays scheduling a Presbytery meeting to consider and approve the call due to it being summer, but we expect a meeting to be organized in the near future.  We are now aiming for a September 15 start date.

Summer Concert – Phyllis Knox, Soprano, Heather Fyffe, Piano, and Margaret Isaacs, Clarinet, will present:

“Summer’s Cup – The Beauty of Song on a Summer’s Afternoon” featuring the music of Purcell, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, and English Folk Songs on Sunday afternoon, August 5th, 2:30 pm at Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.  The three performers come together to treat Fredericton to a concert of sweet summer song from around the world.  Admission to the concert is by free will offering with reception to follow in the Church Hall.

Camp Sponsorship – Funds are available to defray costs for any children/ youth of Saint Andrew’s Church attending any Christian camp this summer.  Please submit a receipt of payment or a copy of the registration form, by July 31st, for the camp you plan to attend.  Amounts are dependent the number of requests received.

Youth Event – Pizza and Nerf Games: July 28th from 5:00 to 7:00 at the church.

College and Career BBQ – Sunday, July 29th at Jordan and Candace’s place.

Presbyterian College – Information on upcoming fall programs being offered can be found below, on the bulletin board by the hall, or by visiting the college’s website.

Pulpit Supply:

  • July 29 – Marlene Philips
  • August 5 – Jeanne Kaye Speight
  • August 12 – Andrew Speight
  • August 19 – Jacqueline Cleland
  • August 26 – Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery
  • September 2 – Marlene Phillips
  • September 9 – Andrew Speight