All posts by stephenmackay

Announcements October 29, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct 29):

Offering Receivers: Marg & Bob Leonard, Wanda Klingbell, Stephen MacKay
Counters: John Astle, Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
Scripture Reader: Annette Stehouwer
Greeters: Marg & Bob Leonard
Coffee Hour: Linda Pond, Phyllis Llwellyn
Nursery: Cindy Cunningham, Alex Cunningham
Church School: Terri Astle, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next week’s volunteers (Nov 5):

Offering Receivers: Margo & Larry Sheppard, Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: Andrew Ottens, Greg & Sheila Black, Larry & Margo Sheppard
Scripture Reader: Rebecca Jonah
Greeters: Don & Lucille McCrea
Coffee Hour: Juliet & Dallas Davis
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Jacqueline Howie Cleland, Jordan & Candace Schriver

The Tuesday Morning Ladies Group – would like to thank all those who contributed towards the Indoor Yard sale, $1 200 was raised from the sale. Clothing and shoes were taken to the Men’s Shelter, goods to Transition House and towels to the SPCA, the remainder was picked up by Community Living.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, Oct 29th at Jordan and Candace’s.

Paintball – Saturday, November 4th from 1:00 to 5:00 at Capital City Paintball. Please contact Jordan for details, and let him know by Wednesday if you are planning to come.

Dark Games – Jr/Sr high school event at the church on November 12th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Birthdays are a blessing.  Do we have your birthday on our list?  Birthday Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and throughout the month with birthday phone calls.  If we don’t currently have your birthday on our list, please let the office know the month and day of your birthday.  Contact the office at 455-8220 or

Parking Restrictions – Winter parking restrictions go into effect on November 1st along Carleton Street as well as other nearby streets.  Please watch for winter parking restriction signs and follow city by-laws to avoid ticketing.

The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the Advent issue of “The Link”.  Deadline for submissions is November 5th.  Please send material to the church office.  

A bank draft was placed in the offering plate last Sunday. If the donor would like the contribution recorded for tax purposes, please call the church office at 455-8220.

The Kinley family asks for your prayers at this time at the passing of Ed’s mother, Grace Kinley, on Oct 25 in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

Pulpit Supply Schedule:

  • Oct 29 – Jeanne Kaye Speight
  • Nov 5 (Remembrance Sunday) – Marg Leonard
  • Nov 12 – Rev. Canon William (Bill) MacMullin
  • Nov 19 – Jeanne Kaye Speight

“A Silent Haunting” – At St. Pauls’ United Church on Monday, Oct 30 at 7pm, a unique cinema experience with a twist – the showing of the 1925 silent film version of The Phantom of the Opera, together with live, improvised organ accompaniment from David Drinkell. This is cinema as it used to be with a musician trying to capture the mood as the silent movie’s images flash across the silver screen.


Announcements October 22, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct 22):

Offering Receivers: Peggy & Calvin MacIntosh, Vickie MacLeod, Heather Labadie
Counters: John Astle, Vickie MacLeod, Heather Labadie
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Volunteer Needed
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next week’s volunteers (Oct 29):

Offering Receivers: Marg & Bob Leonard, Wanda Klingbell, Stephen MacKay
Counters: John Astle, Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
Scripture Reader: Annette Stehouwer
Greeters: Marg & Bob Leonard
Coffee Hour: Linda Pond, Phyllis Llwellyn
Nursery: Cindy Cunningham, Alex Cunningham
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – This weekend, Friday, Oct 20th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 21th 9am-noon.  

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, Oct 29th at Jordan and Candace’s.

Paintball – We are considering a paintball afternoon in November for people 12 years and older. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

Birthdays are a blessing.  Do we have your birthday on our list?  Birthday Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and throughout the month with birthday phone calls.  If we don’t currently have your birthday on our list, please let the office know the month and day of your birthday.  Contact the office at 455-8220 or

The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Fredericton –  Annual General Meeting Oct. 23 at 1:30pm at the Church of St. John and Paul, New Maryland.

“A Silent Haunting” – At St. Pauls’ United Church on Monday, Oct 30 at 7pm, a unique cinema experience with a twist – the showing of the 1925 silent film version of The Phantom of the Opera, together with live, improvised organ accompaniment from David Drinkell. This is cinema as it used to be with a musician trying to capture the mood as the silent movie’s images flash across the silver screen.

Pulpit Supply Schedule:

  • Oct 22 – Marg Leonard
  • Oct 29 – Jeanne Kaye Speight
  • Nov 5 (Remembrance Sunday) – Marg Leonard
  • Nov 12 – Rev. Canon William (Bill) MacMullin 

Congregational Survey – an update from Rev. Wendy MacWilliams, Interim Moderator:

The search committee has distributed a congregational survey to begin gathering input from the congregation to help develop a congregational profile.  In the cover letter – and in the most recent copy of The Link– we mentioned that throughout the month of October, we would arrange small group discussions with members of the congregation and the various ministry groups of Saint Andrew’s to provide additional opportunity for reflection and sharing thoughts.  We intend to ensure that these activities reach out to as many people as possible, but are also mindful that there are benefits to organizing small group discussions by age, gender, area of ministry interest too as it will allow us to focus on particular needs and ministry themes, as well as provide opportunities for members of the congregation to grow in friendship too.

On Friday, October 20, from 10 a.m. – noon I will hold office hours at Saint Andrew’s for anyone that would like to stop by for coffee and a visit.  We can chat about the survey, share church anecdotes and other stories that can feed into the congregational analysis.

On Saturday, October 21, St. James Presbyterian Church and the Rotary Club of Hanwell host a monthly breakfast at St. James.  We can reserve some tables at 9 a.m. should some folks from Saint Andrew’s like to have some table talk on the congregational survey.  All are welcome. Please let Rev. Wendy know if you are interested by emailing her at

Your input is very important.  The search committee is working diligently to provide a number of ways for you to share your voice and thoughts, while at the same time creating opportunities within this exercise for spiritual growth and a strengthened sense of community.  We are mindful that filling out surveys or attending group discussions may not work best for all.  If, for example, you would rather share your input by way of one-on-one conversation, a search committee member would be happy to meet with you in person or by phone.  A member of the search committee would also be willing to write down your answers too. If you would like to complete your survey with assistance from a search committee member – or even your elder – please do not hesitate to let Tara at the church office know and she will have someone follow-up with you in a prompt manner.


Announcements October 15, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct 15):

Offering Receivers: Max & Mavis Cater. Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: John Astle, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Tony Watson
Greeters: Mavis & Max Cater
Coffee Hour: Volunteer Needed
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next week’s volunteers (Oct 22):

Offering Receivers: Peggy & Calvin MacIntosh, Vickie MacLeod, Heather Labadie
Counters: John Astle, Vickie MacLeod, Heather Labadie
Scripture Reader: Volunteer Needed
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Leifso Family
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Congregational Survey – an update from Rev. Wendy MacWilliams, Interim Moderator:

The search committee has distributed a congregational survey to begin gathering input from the congregation to help develop a congregational profile.  In the cover letter – and in the most recent copy of The Link– we mentioned that throughout the month of October, we would arrange small group discussions with members of the congregation and the various ministry groups of Saint Andrew’s to provide additional opportunity for reflection and sharing thoughts.  We intend to ensure that these activities reach out to as many people as possible, but are also mindful that there are benefits to organizing small group discussions by age, gender, area of ministry interest too as it will allow us to focus on particular needs and ministry themes, as well as provide opportunities for members of the congregation to grow in friendship too.

Following worship this Sunday, October 15, if you have any questions regarding the survey or need help filling the survey out, please speak with members of the search committee as they will be available to provide you with support.

On Friday, October 20, from 10 a.m. – noon I will hold office hours at Saint Andrew’s for anyone that would like to stop by for coffee and a visit.  We can chat about the survey, share church anecdotes and other stories that can feed into the congregational analysis.

On Saturday, October 21, St. James Presbyterian Church and the Rotary Club of Hanwell host a monthly breakfast at St. James.  We can reserve some tables at 9 a.m. should some folks from Saint Andrew’s like to have some table talk on the congregational survey.  All are welcome. Please let Rev. Wendy know if you are interested.

Your input is very important.  The search committee is working diligently to provide a number of ways for you to share your voice and thoughts, while at the same time creating opportunities within this exercise for spiritual growth and a strengthened sense of community.  We are mindful that filling out surveys or attending group discussions may not work best for all.  If, for example, you would rather share your input by way of one-on-one conversation, a search committee member would be happy to meet with you in person or by phone.  A member of the search committee would also be willing to write down your answers too. If you would like to complete your survey with assistance from a search committee member – or even your elder – please do not hesitate to let Tara at the church office know and she will have someone follow-up with you in a prompt manner.

Men’s Breakfast – We invite any men in the congregation to gather over breakfast at 8:30 am on Saturday, October 14 at Claudine’s Eatery (146 Main St, Fredericton North) to discuss the congregational survey. Search Committee members will be present to answer any questions you might have with the survey and to lead a discussion on how we envision our future. This information will be combined with that gathered from other groups to help develop our congregational profile. The restaurant requires reservations so please let Stephen know ASAP if you would like to attend or leave a message with the church office.

Jr/Sr High School Event – Pumpkin Carving and Doughnut Making: Sunday, October 15th from 6:00 to 9:00 at the church.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, October 29th at Jordan and Candace’s.

Paintball – We are considering organizing a paintball afternoon in November for people 12 years and older. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 20th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 21th 9am-noon.  Donations can be dropped off at the church Monday to Friday between 9 am and 1pm. 

The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Fredericton –  Annual General Meeting on Monday, Oct. 23 at 1:30pm at the Church of St. John and Paul, New Maryland. 

Pulpit Supply Schedule:

  • Oct 15 – Rev. Wendy MacWilliams
  • Oct 22 – Marg Leonard
  • Oct 29 – Jeanne Kaye Speight
  • Nov 5 (Remembrance Sunday) – Marg Leonard
  • Nov 12 – Rev. Canon William (Bill) MacMullin


Announcements October 8, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct 8):

Offering Receivers: Wanda Klingbell, Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan Jane Varlan
Counters: John Astle, Linda Pond, Volunteer Needed
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Mavis & Max Cater
Coffee Hour: Blom Family
Nursery: Colleen Watson, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Tamela Collrin

Next week’s volunteers (Oct 15):

Offering Receivers: Max & Mavis Cater. Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: John Astle, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Tony Watson
Greeters: Mavis & Max Cater
Coffee Hour: Volunteer Needed
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Tamela Collrin

This Sunday, Thanksgiving Sunday, the food bank donation boxes will be placed at the front of the church.  Please bring food stuffs to fill the boxes and hope that our donations bring comfort to those in need.

Congregational Survey – an update from Rev. Wendy MacWilliams, Interim Moderator:

Last week the search committee distributed a congregational survey to begin gathering input from the congregation to help develop a congregational profile.  In the cover letter – and in the most recent copy of The Link– we mentioned that throughout the month of October, we would arrange small group discussions with members of the congregation and the various ministry groups of Saint Andrew’s to provide additional opportunity for reflection and sharing thoughts.  We intend to ensure that these activities reach out to as many people as possible, but are also mindful that there are benefits to organizing small group discussions by age, gender, area of ministry interest too as it will allow us to focus on particular needs and ministry themes, as well as provide opportunities for members of the congregation to grow in friendship too.

On Tuesday, October 10 at 10 a.m., a social activity with time set aside for reflection and discussion on the congregational survey questions will be hosted by the Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Group, facilitated by search committee members.

A men’s breakfast is being organized for Saturday, October 14 to provide a similar social opportunity and time of reflection and discussion.

Following worship on October 15, if you have any questions regarding the survey or need help filling the survey out, please speak with members of the search committee as they will be available to provide you with support.

On Friday, October 20, from 10 a.m. – noon I will hold office hours at Saint Andrew’s for anyone that would like to stop by for coffee and a visit.  We can chat about the survey, share church anecdotes and other stories that can feed into the congregational analysis.

On Saturday, October 21, St. James Presbyterian Church and the Rotary Club of Hanwell host a monthly breakfast at St. James.  We can reserve some tables at 9 a.m. should some folks from Saint Andrew’s like to have some table talk on the congregational survey.  All are welcome. Please let Rev. Wendy know if you are interested by emailing her at

Your input is very important.  The search committee is working diligently to provide a number of ways for you to share your voice and thoughts, while at the same time creating opportunities within this exercise for spiritual growth and a strengthened sense of community.  We are mindful that filling out surveys or attending group discussions may not work best for all.  If, for example, you would rather share your input by way of one-on-one conversation, a search committee would be happy to meet with you in person or by phone.  A member of the search committee would also be willing to write down your answers too. If you would like to complete your survey with assistance from a search committee member – or even your elder – please do not hesitate to let Tara at the church office know and she will have someone follow-up with you in a prompt manner.   

Tuesday Morning Ladies Group –  We invite any women in the congregation to gather in the kitchen or the hall over a cup of coffee/tea on Tuesday, October 10 to discuss the congregational survey.  Search Committee members will be present to answer any questions you might have with the survey and to lead a discussion on how we envision our future. This information will aid in the development of our congregational profile.  

Men’s Breakfast – We invite any men in the congregation to gather over breakfast at 8:30 am on Saturday, October 14 at Claudine’s Eatery (146 Main St, Fredericton North) to discuss the congregational survey. Search Committee members will be present to answer any questions you might have with the survey and to lead a discussion on how we envision our future. This information will be combined with that gathered from other groups to help develop our congregational profile. The restaurant requires reservations so please let Stephen know before Thursday if you would like to attend or leave a message with the church office.

Jr/Sr High School Event – Pumpkin Carving and Doughnut Making: Sunday, October 15th from 6:00 to 9:00 at the church.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, October 29th at Jordan and Candace’s.

Paintball – We are considering organizing a paintball afternoon in November for people 12 years and older. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 20th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 21th 9am-noon. 

The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Fredericton –  Annual General Meeting on Monday, Oct. 23 at 1:30 PM at the Church of St. John and Paul, New Maryland. Reminder: Women’s Inter-Church member’s representative membership fee of $10.00 is due from each Church. The Fellowship of the Least Coin donation can be received at this time. 

Hurricane relief – PWS&D is accepting donations towards relief efforts following hurricane Irma. You can make a donation to PWS&D using envelopes in each pew, donating online at or calling 1-800-619-7301 x291. Please mark all donations “Hurricane Irma.”  

Pulpit Supply Schedule:

  • Oct 8 (Harvest Sunday) – Drew Speight
  • Oct 15 – Rev. Wendy MacWilliams
  • Oct 22 – Marg Leonard
  • Oct 29 – Jeanne Kaye Speight

Announcements October 1, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct 1):

Offering Receivers: Elders
Counters: John Astle, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson, Heather Labadie
Scripture Reader: Jeanne Kaye Speight
Greeters: Volunteer Needed
Coffee Hour: Choir
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Next week’s volunteers (Oct 8):

Offering Receivers: Wanda Klingbell, Colleen Watson, Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan
Counters: John Astle, Peggy & Calvin MacIntosh
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Mavis & Max Cater
Coffee Hour: Blom Family
Nursery: Cindy Cunningham, Alex Cunningham
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Celebrating October Birthdays.  We have reason to celebrate and thank God for his beautiful gift of life.  Please join us in the Hall today for cake.
Sarah Ottens
Maggie Benoit
Bob Howie
Candace Schriver
Jeanne Kaye Speight
Owen Burrill
Isabelle Berry
Gregory Astle
Colleen Watson
Carol McEachen
Mary Jane Varlan
Alex Bramble
Miles Burrill

Congregational Survey – As part of the search process for a new minister, the development of a congregational profile is essential. Please pick up your survey at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday and return by Oct. 22.

The Link – Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the latest newsletter, available on Sunday at the back of the sanctuary.

Children’s Choir – will be staring Friday, September 29th from 4:00 – 4:30 pm in the Church Hall.  All children and youth are welcome!  We enjoy singing and playing together, using rhythm instruments and enjoying musical games and activities.  We participate once a month in Sunday morning worship through the Christmas season.  We resume choir after March Break to June.  If you need further information, please contact either David or Kathie Berry.

Men’s Breakfast – We invite any men in the congregation to gather over breakfast on Saturday, October 14 to discuss the congregational survey. Search Committee members will be present to answer any questions you might have with the survey and to lead a discussion on how we envision our future. This information will be combined with that gathered from other groups to help develop our congregational profile. An exact time and location will be announced as soon as we have an idea about numbers. Please let Stephen, Humphrey or Tony know ASAP if you would like to attend or leave a message with the church office.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 20th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 21th 9am-noon.

Hurricane relief – PWS&D is accepting donations towards relief efforts following hurricane Irma. You can make a donation to PWS&D using envelopes in each pew, donating online at or calling 1-800-619-7301 x291. Please mark all donations “Hurricane Irma.”

On the Go at St. James Presbyterian Church
All are welcome!

  • Mondays and Wednesdays (1 – 4 p.m.) – Seniors’ Coffee House

Online Course – Want to deepen your understanding and practice of your faith.  Why not register for the 6-week on line course Spiritual and Religious Diversity in our Neighbourhood with instructor the Rev. Dr. Andrew Irvine.  The course runs from Oct 16 to Nov 27.  For more information and to register go to  (Click Study at Knox, non-degree program, lay education). There are no pre-requisites, courses are for personal interest and meant to expand and deepen one’s understanding and practice of one’s faith. 

Pulpit Supply Schedule:

  • Oct 1 (World Communion Sunday) – Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery
  • Oct 8 (Harvest Sunday) – Drew Speight
  • Oct 15 – Rev. Wendy MacWilliams
  • Oct 22 – Marg Leonard
  • Oct 29 (Reformation Sunday) – Jeanne Kaye Speight