All posts by stephenmackay

Announcements May 21, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (May 21):

Offering Receivers: Juliet & Dallas Davis, Colleen & Tony Watson
Counters: Linda Pond, Juliet & Dallas Davis
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Max & Mavis Cater
Coffee Hour: Juliet Davis
Nursery: Jane Murray, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Terri Astle, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next Week (May 28):

Offering Receivers: Max & Mavis Cater, Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: Linda Pond, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Margaret Sisk-McCully
Greeters: Jesse Sagawa, Humphery Akwar
Coffee Hour: Ardean & George Hayward
Nursery: Carol McEachen & Sheena Page
Church School: Terri Astle, Jordan & Candace Schriver

A Time of Prayer – Our next gathering is Wednesday, May 24th at 10 am.

Plant and Book Sale           Sat., May 27th  9 am – noon

Calling all gardeners and book lovers, please consider donating plants and books to the Annual Plant and Book Sale hosted by the Tuesday Morning Ladies Group.  Plants and books may be dropped off at the church hall on Thursday evening May 25th between 6 – 8pm and on Friday, May 26th from 9am – 1pm.

VBS Bake Sale – In support of this year’s VBS (June 26 and 27), we will be holding a bake sale during the Plant and Book Sale. We would love to have as much variety as possible, so please let Jordan know if you are willing to contribute.

Kingswood – The youth will be heading to Kingswood on Friday, May 26th from 5:00 to 8:00. $5 will get you unlimited bowling and laser tag, as well as some arcade tokens. Please let Jordan know by next Thursday if you are interested.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, May 28th from 5:00 to 8:00pm

Do you know someone in our congregation graduating from high school, college, university or other institutions, please contact the church office at 455-8220 so that they can be recognized in the next issue of The Link.  Youth and Graduate Sunday will be celebrated June 25.

The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the spring issue of The Link.  Please send submissions to the church office by June 4.

Becoming a Professing Member – The Session would like to see if there are individuals interested in becoming professing members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Saint Andrew’s.  If you are interested in professing your faith in a deepened way and growing in your church experience, please speak with an elder or contact Rev. Wendy at  We will organize two membership classes/discussions/follow-ups at a time to be set in the near future to give you opportunity to reflect on your faith, what it means to be Presbyterian, and what it means to be a professing member at Saint Andrew’s in this denomination.  Being a professing member will enable you to recommend people for elder elections, be considered as an elder, and allow you to vote when a prospective minister preaches for a call.  Note:  attending membership classes/follow-up discussions in no way obligates you to join, but is a must to be considered for professing membership.

Carpentry Work – Majed Alkreiz is available evenings and weekends to do odd jobs and carpentry work, both inside and outside. Please contact Majed.

Bulletin Cover Contest – We are looking for original photographs, artwork and short works of poetry or prose that would be appropriate for our bulletin covers for some weeks over the summer. Send submissions or questions to

Refundable Bottle Drive – In support of Omar Alkreiz’s school trip to Quebec City please bring your donations of “return for refund” containers on Sundays and place in drop off bin at the entrance.

Singing for South Sudan – Join the choir of Brunswick Street Baptist Church on Saturday, May 27 at 6:30 pm for a great evening of hymn singing in the Gaither “Homecoming” style!  Offering to support relief work in South Sudan – come sing a song and bless a life!

Pulpit Supply

May 21 – Andrew Speight
May 28 – Marg Leonard
June 4 – (Pentecost) – Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery
June 11 – (Communion Sunday) – Rev. Dr. Philip Lee


A Note from the Interim Moderator (May 12, 2017)

Since Rev. Blaikie’s retirement 2 ½ months ago, congregational life has continued in a healthy way. You journeyed through Lent and celebrated Easter. You supported one another during moments of joy and times of sorrow. You cared for the sick and extended help to those in need. You continued to make offerings of your time, gifts, and presence in worship and praise of God, and in support of Christ’s ministry in and through Saint Andrew’s, including its various ministry groups and committee.

I understand there are questions and even some anxiety regarding the future of ministry at Saint Andrew’s. A number of you have wondered why a search committee is not yet in place, or why is it taking so long to find another minister. Although reasons were explained at the onset of the vacancy, ongoing communication is critical and session and I are committed to providing more frequent updates.

The delay in establishing a search committee was intentional. You have just ended a ministry relationship that endured over a quarter century. A grace period needed to be put in place to allow time for transition. This vacancy also began during a critical time from a worship perspective, i.e., Lent and Easter, and our attention was rightly focused on Christ’s death and resurrection.

The pastoral search has often been compared to dating and the calling of a minister, marriage. The task of calling the right minister is difficult and is not comparable to staffing a position in a business.

In Psalm 127, the psalmist writes, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain.” The search for a new minister must be grounded in the search to discern what is the will of God. The search is a spiritual exercise and our call as a congregation is discern God’s will for Christ ministry’s in and through this congregation and to trust that God will provide for the ministry to which we have been called. This is about seeking God’s will and God’s provision. It is a Christ-centered task, not congregation-centered (i.e., rooted in our own agendas and judgment).

In anticipation of the work to be undertaken with a pastoral search – and the spiritual nature of this task – a grace period was established with a goal of putting the search committee in place this fall. The reasons for doing so were to give the congregation time to pray, to grieve, to reflect on its mission and values, and to ensure that the congregation is ready (in terms of congregational relations, stewardship, and spiritual health) in order to move forward in the search. This time would also allow us to address certain pastoral and leadership needs within the congregation, making space for individuals to consider affirming and growing in their faith by way of becoming a professing member (an act which would impact their role in elder elections and calling a minister) as well as conducting elder elections.

At Monday’s session meeting, the session decided it would postpone elder elections until the fall and establish a search committee this month. Session recognized that congregational life has been moving forward post-vacancy in a healthy way. Establishing a search committee now would provide opportunity to train the new committee and enable the committee to develop an action plan for gathering information over the summer to feed into a congregational analysis and church profile that will be circulated when we begin advertising the ministry position.

Note: Although we are prepared to move ahead in the establishment of a search committee, the search committee to be formed has much work to do before it can proceed to advertise the vacancy. When we have a completed profile – and assuming the preliminary work undertaken by the search committee continues to affirm the congregation is in a health position to move forward with a posting – the Interim Moderator – on session’s behalf – will seek Presbytery’s support in the fall to begin the search. If the congregational analysis and preliminary legwork undertaken by the search committee suggests that there are matters that need to be addressed before beginning a search, the session will revisit next steps and seek Presbytery’s counsel as appropriate.

All that being said, the session will meet on Wednesday, May 17 with the goal of establishing a search committee. What should a search committee look like?

  • Members must be committed to discerning the voice of God speaking to us.
  • A commitment to prayer is essential.
  • Members should be objective (for example, perception should not be biased by previous pastor, personal agendas, etc.)
  • Members should be individuals who not only care about the church and its future, but also wish to grow in faith (the search committee experience can be spiritually renewing)
  • Members should be humble and teachable.
  • Members must be discerning and diligent. The search committee is not evaluating only the candidates (the candidates are also evaluating the congregation). The committee must also examine the congregation to discern what sort of candidate is needed and they must be able to understand and the tell the story of the congregation, including its needs and its values.
  • Members must be able to persevere as the search process takes take and commitment and can sometimes involve obstacles.
  • The committee must have a balanced representation of gender, age, and ethnic mix, as well as nature of congregational ties (e.g., professing member adherent, relatively new, longer-term relationship with congregation, representation in congregational groups).

If you would like to be considered for the search committee, please speak with one of the elders.

As a congregation moving forward, your commitment is needed in these ongoing areas:

  • Your faith example helps tell the story about your congregation’s values and ministry. Faithful worship, prayers, offerings of gifts and presence, fellowship building, and serving help make for healthy congregational life and relationship with God.
  • Providing input into the congregational analysis that will help form the congregational profile to be circulated to prospective candidates.
  • Pray for the formation of your pastoral search committee. Pray for patience and that we would all wait for God’s timing. Pray that all will have the mind of Christ and that decisions and behaviors will be faithful to the Word of God. Pray for wisdom to choose the right minister. Pray that God would prepare your minister and for the congregation that your new minister will leave. Pray for unity. Pray that we will conform to God’s will and experience the joy that God’s provision provides.
  • Pray for spiritual direction. Even in transitions and waiting, there are opportunities for renewal. There are opportunities to prepare for a new chapter in ministry, just as we prepare for a marriage or birth. Now is a great time to be more intentional about nurturing stewardship needs, reflection on our ministry values, and growing in service.

I pray that this update will offer some insight and clarity.
May God bless us and guide us as we continue worshiping and serving.

Rev. Wendy MacWilliams

Announcements May 14, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (May 14):

Offering Receivers: Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan, Wanda Klingbell, Heather Labadie
Counters: Linda Pond, Wanda Klingbell, Ron & Helen Bagnell
Scripture Reader: Calvin MacIntosh
Greeters: Doris Stairs, Mary Hossack
Coffee Hour: Heather Labadie
Nursery: Cindy Cunningham, Alex Cunningham
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Jacqueline Howie Cleland

Next Week (May 21):

Offering Receivers: Juliet & Dallas Davis, Colleen & Tony Watson
Counters: Linda Pond, Juliet & Dallas Davis
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Max & Mavis Cater
Coffee Hour: Need a Volunteer
Nursery: Jane Murray, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Terri Astle, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Special Session Meeting – Wednesday, May 17th at 7 pm.

A Time of Prayer – Our next gathering is Wednesday, May 24th at 10 am.

Plant & Book Sale  – Saturday, May 27th from 9 am – noonCalling all gardeners and book lovers, please consider donating plants and books to the Annual Plant and Book Sale hosted by the Tuesday Morning Ladies Group.  Plants and books may be dropped off at the church hall on Thursday evening May 25th between 6 – 8pm and on Friday, May 26th from 9am – 1pm.

Do you know someone in our congregation graduating from high school, college, university or other institutions, please contact the church office at 455-8220 so that they can be recognized in the next issue of the Link.  Youth and Graduate Sunday will be celebrated June 25.

Becoming a Professing Member – The Session would like to see if there are individuals interested in becoming professing members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Saint Andrew’s.  If you are interested in professing your faith in a deepened way and growing in your church experience, please speak with an elder or contact Rev. Wendy at  We will organize two membership classes/discussions/follow-ups at a time to be set in the near future to give you opportunity to reflect on your faith, what it means to be Presbyterian, and what it means to be a professing member at St. Andrew’s in this denomination.  Being a professing member will enable you to recommend people for elder elections, be considered as an elder, and allow you to vote when a prospective minister preaches for a call.  Note:  attending membership classes/follow-up discussions in no way obligates you to join, but is a must to be considered for professing membership.

Ladies’ Spring Tea St. James Presbyterian Church on Friday, May 12 from  1:30 – 3:30 p.m.  Freewill donation

Mother’s Day BrunchSt. James Presbyterian Church on May 13th from 11am – 1 pm. Cost is $8.00. Bake & Craft Table.

Synod Workshop – May 13 in Truro with Dr. E. Stanley Ott.  For more information, see the bulletin board in the hall.

Bulletin Cover Contest – As detailed in the Spring issue of the Link, we are looking for original photographs, artwork and short works of poetry or prose that would be appropriate for our bulletin covers for some weeks over the summer. Send submissions or questions to

Refundable Bottle Drive – In support of Omar Alkreiz and his classmates on their grade 8 school trip to Quebec City please bring your donations of “return for refund” containers on Sundays and place in drop off bin at the entrance.

Carpentry Work – Majed Alkreiz is available evenings and weekends to do odd jobs and carpentry work, both inside and outside.

Pulpit Supply

May 14 – Marg Leonard
May 21 – Andrew Speight
May 28 – Marg Leonard
June 4 – (Pentecost) – Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery
June 11 – (Communion Sunday) – Rev. Dr. Philip Lee

Crisis in South Sudan PWS&D appeal – Responding through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, PWS&D will be providing nutrition support to those affected by famine conditions in South Sudan. Nutrition feeding centres will be established, where children under five and lactating mothers can be screened for malnutrition. If a child is found with severe acute malnutrition—meaning they are so malnourished they are close to death—they will receive treatment with therapeutic foods. Lactating mothers and children with moderate acute malnutrition will also be treated, and caregivers will receive education in proper hygiene and child feeding practices. The project will benefit 42,000 people. With support from the Government of Canada through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, donations to this project are matched 4:1. That means that for every $1 you contribute, $5 of programming can take place.” Mark donations through Saint Andrew’s Church “South Sudan”.  For more information visit the website


Announcements May 7, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (May 7):

Offering Receivers: Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson, Jessie Sagawa, Need a Volunteer
Counters: Linda Pond, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson
Scripture Reader: Tim Blom
Greeters: Jessie Sagawa, Humphery Akwar
Coffee Hour: Ardean MacKinnon-Hayward & George Hayward
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next Week (May 14):

Offering Receivers: Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan, Wanda Klingbell, Heather Labadie
Counters: Linda Pond, Wanda Klingbell, Ron & Helen Bagnell
Scripture Reader: Calvin MacIntosh
Greeters: Doris Stairs, Mary Hossack
Coffee Hour: Heather Labadie
Nursery: Cindy Cunningham, Alex Cunningham
Church School: Tamela Collrin, Substitute for Jordan & Candace

Please join us in the hall as we celebrate birthdays.
Whether it be a milestone or not we have reason to celebrate and thank God for his beautiful gift of life.  Of course we have cake but let’s not let cake be the focus, it is the people we wish to celebrate!
Joel Bragdon
Jamie Howie
George Hayward
Andrew Ottens
Eleanor Scott
Paul Lawson
Mona Wilson

Thank you to all who contributed to the success of our spring yard sale. Over  $1,500 was raised for the various charities supported by the Tuesday Morning Ladies Group.

Session – The May Session meeting will be Monday, May 8th at 7:00 pm.

A Time of Prayer – Every other Wednesday at 10 am. Our next gathering is May 10th.  For further information, contact Jane Murray.

Do you know someone in our congregation graduating from high school, college, university or other institutions, please contact the church office 455-8220 so that they can be recognized in the next issue of the Link.  Youth and Graduate Sunday will be celebrated June 25.

Crisis in South Sudan PWS&D appeal – Responding through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, PWS&D will be providing nutrition support to those affected by famine conditions in South Sudan. Nutrition feeding centres will be established, where children under five and lactating mothers can be screened for malnutrition. If a child is found with severe acute malnutrition—meaning they are so malnourished they are close to death—they will receive treatment with therapeutic foods. Lactating mothers and children with moderate acute malnutrition will also be treated, and caregivers will receive education in proper hygiene and child feeding practices. The project will benefit 42,000 people. With support from the Government of Canada through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, donations to this project are matched 4:1. That means that for every $1 you contribute, $5 of programming can take place.” Mark donations through Saint Andrew’s Church “South Sudan”.  For more information visit the website

Becoming a Professing Member – The session would like to see if there are individuals interested in becoming professing members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Saint Andrew’s.  If you are interested in professing your faith in a deepened way and growing in your church experience, please speak with an elder or contact Rev. Wendy at  We will organize two membership classes/discussions/follow-ups at a time to be set in the near future to give you opportunity to reflect on your faith, what it means to be Presbyterian, and what it means to be a professing member at St. Andrew’s in this denomination.  Being a professing member will enable you to recommend people for elder elections, be considered as an elder, and allow you to vote when a prospective minister preaches for a call.  Note:  attending membership classes/follow-up discussions in no way obligates you to join, but is a must to be considered for professing membership.

Synod Workshop – May 13 in Truro with Dr. E. Stanley Ott. Theme – Acts 16:5 (” So the churches were strengthened in the faith and increased in numbers daily.”) Regardless of size, whether a congregation is presently a dynamic, vigorous fellowship or is struggling to sustain its present level of vitality, every congregation may use the Acts 16:5 Initiative as a means of considering present and future ministry and of moving by God’s grace into a new chapter of life and ministry. For more information, see the bulletin board in the hall or

Bulletin Cover Contest – As detailed in the Spring issue of the Link, we are looking for original photographs, artwork and short works of poetry or prose that would be appropriate for our bulletin covers for some weeks over the summer. Send submissions or questions to

Carpentry Work – Majed Alkreiz is available evenings and weekends to do odd jobs and carpentry work, both inside and outside. Please contact Majed

Refundable Bottle Drive – In support of Omar Alkreiz and his classmates on their grade 8 school trip to Quebec City please bring your donations of “return for refund” containers on Sundays and place in drop off bin at the entrance.

Events at St. James Presbyterian Church, Hanwell
(all are welcome):

  • Movie NightA Dog’s Purpose:  Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m.  No cost.
  • Ladies’ Spring Tea hosted by the G.R.O.W. Group:  Friday, May 12 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.  Freewill donation
  • Mother’s Day Brunch – May 13th from 11am – 1 pm. Cost is $8.00. Menu: Quiche, Salad, Rolls, Dessert, Tea, Coffee Bake & Craft Table.

Pulpit Supply

May 7 – Rev. John Martin
May 14 – Marg Leonard
May 21 – Andrew Speight
May 28 – Marg Leonard