All posts by stephenmackay

Annual Meeting 2017

Following worship on Sunday, February 12, 2017, we gathered in the Church Hall for a hearty lunch and an emotion-packed Annual Congregational Meeting (our minister will be retiring at the end of the month). Reports from committees and groups were received and celebrated. We  approved the budget for 2017, appointed various congregational representatives and thanked many volunteers for their efforts over the past year.

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Announcements February 12, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (February 12):

Offering Receivers: Andrew & Carol Ottens, Rebecca Jonah, Need Volunteer
Counters: David Dell, Wanda Klingbell, Rebecca Jonah
Scripture Reader: Stephen MacKay
Greeters: Rebecca Jonah
Coffee Hour: Annual Congregational Meeting and Lunch
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next Week (February 19):

Offering Receivers: Scouts and Guides
Counters: David Dell, Vickie MacLeod, Heather Labadie, Rebecca Jonah
Scripture Reader: Scouts/Guides
Greeters: Scouts and Guides
Coffee Hour: Murray & Carol McEachen
Nursery: Cindy Cunningham, Alex Cunningham
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Watoto Children’s Choir – The Watoto Children’s Choir from Africa will be performing at the Journey Wesleyan Church, Friday, February 10 at 7pm and all are invited. Concert is free (free will offering). Since 1994, Watoto children’s choirs from Africa have traveled all over the world sharing the plight of Africa’s orphaned and vulnerable, making an appeal to help raise these children so that they can rebuild their nation.

2016 Income Tax Receipts – are available at the back of the sanctuary.

Annual Meeting – You are invited to attend this year’s annual meeting this Sunday, February 12th.  Churches are at their best when they have input from as many people as possible!  God’s will is best discerned in groups by different people with different ideas.

Following worship we will have lunch in the Church Hall and receive and consider the financial reports.  We will also look at the proposed budget for 2017. We will celebrate God’s goodness and generosity.

Copies of the Annual Report are available at the back of the sanctuary. Please bring your copy to the meeting.  Additional copies will be available at the meeting.

Refundable Bottle Drive – In support of Omar Alkreiz, and his classmates, and their grade 8 school trip to Quebec City. A reminder to please bring in your donations of “return for refund” beverage containers such as water bottles, pop cans and juice boxes.  The redemption center will not accept recyclables such as milk cartons.  A drop off bin will be set up at the church on Sunday. Pick up can be arranged for large donations.  Please contact Dallas or the church office. Thank you for your support.

A Time of Prayer is held every other Sunday evening at 7 pm.  Our next gathering is this week, Feb 12. For further information you may contact Jane Murray at 457-1251

Big Box Games – Our annual celebration of cardboard, duct tape, glow sticks and Nerf guns. Sunday, February 19th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

College & Career Lunch – Sunday, February 26 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville. Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated.

Retirement of the Rev. Doug Blaikie – A reception celebrating the Ministry and Retirement of Rev. Blaikie will take place on Sunday, February 26, following the 11:00 worship service.  At that time, a gift from the congregation, in the form of a purse of money, will be presented to Doug and Holly.  If you would like to contribute to this gift, your donation may be placed in the offering plate marked “Rev. Blaikie Retirement.”  Donations may also be given to treasurer, John Astle, or mailed to the church office.  Donations are not eligible for an income tax receipt.

Cookie Dough – Only a few tubs left!  Pick up some gingersnap dough before its gone in support of the Mission Development & Social Action Committee.

Valentine Tea – Feb 10 at 1:30pm at St. James Presbyterian Church.  New-to-You, baking, door prizes and a free will offering for charity. All welcome.

World Day of Prayer Bible Study – Monday, February 13 at 10:00 am at Forest Hill United Church.  Rev. Ali Anningson will lead the Bible Study.  People of all faith denomination are welcome and please bring a friend.

World Day of Prayer Services for 2016 in the Fredericton area, as prepared by Women of the Philippines with the theme “Am I Being Unfair To You?”  Please come and join us on Friday, March 3, 2017 with Christians in more than 170 countries around the world and in 2,000 communities across Canada who will gather to learn about, pray, and celebrate in Solidarity with the people of The Philippines through the World Day of Prayer.  All are welcome to attend!

  • St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church – March 3 at 7:00PM (storm date:  March 5 at 3:00PM)
  • Forest Hill United Church – March 3 at 7:00PM (no storm date)
  • Sts John and Paul Church – March 3, 2017 at 7:00PM (no storm date)
  • St. Dunstan’s Roman Catholic Church – March 3, 2017 at 2:00PM (no storm date)


Announcements February 5, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (February 5):

Offering Receivers: Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh, Dallas & Juliet Davis
Counters: David Dell, Dallas & Juliet Davis
Scripture Reader: Calvin MacIntosh
Greeters: Will & Doris Johnson
Coffee Hour: Greg & Sheila Black
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next Week (February 12):

Offering Receivers: Andrew & Carol Ottens, Need 2 Volunteers
Counters: David Dell, Wanda Klingbell, Rebecca Jonah
Scripture Reader: Stephen MacKay
Greeters: Need a Volunteer
Coffee Hour: Annual Congregational Meeting and Lunch
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Please join us in the hall as we celebrate birthdays. Whether it be a milestone or not we have reason to celebrate and thank God for his beautiful gift of life.  Of course we have cake but let’s not let cake be the focus, it is the people we wish to celebrate!
Margaret Sisk-McCully
Fiona Bragdon
Tamela Collrin
Douglas Blaikie
Basil Lowery
Edith Lowery
Marlene Howie
Gordon Scott
Juliet Davis
Georgia Garnhum
Christina Blom
Stewart Page

Refundable Bottle Drive – In support of Omar Alkreiz and his classmates, and their grade 8 school trip to Quebec City. A reminder to please bring in your donations of “return for refund” beverage containers such as water bottles, pop cans and juice boxes.  The redemption center does not accept recyclables such as milk cartons.  A drop off bin will be set up at the church on Sunday. Pick up can be arranged for large donations.  Please contact Dallas at 449-2665 or the church office. Thank you for your support.

The Annual Meeting – You are invited to come and join together at this year’s annual meeting on February 12th.  Churches are at their best when they have input from as many people as possible!  God’s will is best discerned in groups by different people with different ideas.  On the 12th, following worship we will have lunch in the Church Hall and receive and consider the financial reports.  We will also look at the proposed budget for 2017. We will reflect on what has taken place during the past year.  We will celebrate God’s goodness and generosity.   Copies of the Annual Report are available at the back of the sanctuary. Please bring your copy to the meeting.  Additional copies will be available at the meeting and in the church office

 2016 Income Tax Receipts – Will be available at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday.  Please pick up your receipt and help keep postage costs down.

 College and Career Lunch – February 5 from 1pm – 4pm at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville.

Yard Sale – Save the date and save your donations! The Annual Spring Yard Sale will be held April 28th and 29th.  During your spring cleaning, please set aside clothing, kitchen items and household goods for this fundraiser.  Donations will be gratefully accepted mid-April.

Retirement of the Rev. Doug Blaikie – A reception celebrating the Ministry and Retirement of Rev. Blaikie will take place on Sunday, February 26, following the 11:00 worship service.  At that time, a gift from the congregation, in the form of a purse of money, will be presented to Doug and Holly.  If you would like to contribute to this gift, your donation may be placed in the offering plate marked “Rev. Blaikie Retirement.”  Donations may also be given to treasurer, John Astle, or mailed to the church office.  Donations are not eligible for an income tax receipt.

Camp Geddie Summer Employment Opportunities – Eleven summer staff positions are posted on the church bulletin board by the kitchen door. The positions and descriptions can be viewed at and application forms can be downloaded at

Valentine Tea – Feb 10 at 1:30pm at St. James Presbyterian Church.  New-to-you, baking, door prizes and a free will offering for charity.  All are welcome.

World Day of Prayer Bible Study – Monday, February 13 at 10:00 am at Forest Hill United Church.  Rev. Ali Anningson will lead the Bible Study.  People of all faith denomination are welcome and please bring a friend.

 Cookie Dough – Only 7 tubs left!  Pick up some gingersnap dough before its gone in support of the Mission Development & Social Action Committee.


Announcements January 29, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (January 29):

Offering Receivers: Max & Mavis Cater, Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Max & Mavis Cater
Coffee Hour: Dallas & Juliet Davis
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next Week (February 5):

Offering Receivers: Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh, Dallas & Juliet Davis
Counters: David Dell, Dallas & Juliet Davis
Scripture Reader: Calvin MacIntosh
Greeters: Will & Doris Johnson
Coffee Hour: Greg & Sheila Black
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

The Annual Meeting – You are invited to come and join together at this year’s annual meeting on February 12th.  Churches are at their best when they have input from as many people as possible!  God’s will is best discerned in groups by different people with different ideas.

On the 12th, following worship we will have lunch in the Church Hall and receive and consider the financial reports.  We will also look at the proposed budget for 2017. We will reflect on what has taken place during the past year.  We will celebrate God’s goodness and generosity.

Copies of the Annual Report are available at the back of the sanctuary. Please bring your copy to the meeting.  Additional copies will be available at the meeting and in the church office.

College and Career Lunch – January 29th at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

A Time of Prayer is held every other Sunday evening at 7 pm.  Our next gathering is Jan 29. For further information, you may contact Jane Murray at 457-1251.

Church Directory – If you did not have your photo taken and would like to order a directory, please contact the office.  The cost is $20.  Those photographed by Universal Portraits will receive a free copy.  The deadline for orders is Monday, Jan 30.  Directories will be printed in February.

Yard Sale – Save the date and save your donations! The Annual Spring Yard Sale will be held April 28th and 29th.  During your spring cleaning, please set aside clothing, kitchen items and household goods for this fundraiser.  Donations will be gratefully accepted mid-April.

Retirement of the Rev. Doug Blaikie – A reception celebrating the Ministry and Retirement of Rev. Blaikie will take place on Sunday, February 26, following the 11:00 worship service.  At that time, a gift from the congregation, in the form of a purse of money, will be presented to Doug and Holly.  If you would like to contribute to this gift, your donation may be placed in the offering plate marked “Rev. Blaikie Retirement.”  Donations may also be given to treasurer, John Astle, or mailed to the church office.  Donations are not eligible for an income tax receipt.

Camp Geddie Summer Employment Opportunities – Eleven summer staff positions are posted on the church bulletin board by the kitchen door. The positions and descriptions can be viewed at and application forms can be downloaded at

World Day of Prayer Bible Study – Monday, February 13 at 10:00 am at Forest Hill United Church.  Rev. Ali Anningson will lead the Bible Study. The Women of the Philippines have prepared the World Day of prayer event. The theme this year is “Am I Being Unfair To You?”.  People of all faith denomination are welcome and please bring a friend.

School trip for Omar Alkreiz and classmates: A deposit of $100 toward the estimated cost of $350 to $380 for Omar Alkreiz to go on the end-of-term George Street Grade 8 class trip to Quebec City was paid out of the Refugee Sponsorship Fund. The school has advised parents and Carol Doucette, of our Sponsorship Committee, that they are organizing fund raisers, including a bottle drive, to help cover trip expenses. We at Saint Andrew’s can help Omar, and possibly others, by collecting bottles and other containers on which there is a refundable deposit. Each Sunday, the Committee will arrange to have bins for these returnables situated just outside the entrance to the church hall.


Announcements January 22, 2017

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (January 22):

Offering Receivers: Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan, Greg & Sheila Black
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Wanda Klingbell, Greg & Sheila Black
Scripture Reader: Annette Stehouwer
Greeters: Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
Coffee Hour: Leifso Family
Nursery: Jane Murray, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Next Week (January 29):

Offering Receivers: Max & Mavis Cater, Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Max & Mavis Cater
Coffee Hour: Dallas & Juliet Davis
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Sonya Burrill, Jordan & Candace Schriver

Youth Snow Fort Building Competition – January 22nd from 2:00 to 5:00 on the front lawn of the church. Bring your own shovel. Hot chocolate to follow.

College and Career Lunch – January 29th at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville from 1:00 to 4:00. Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated. Please let Jordan know if you are interested.

Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 12, following the worship service.  A lunch will be provided.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend as we review the past and plan for the future.

Women’s Inter-Church Council – The World Day of Prayer planning meeting will be on Monday, January 23 at 10:00am at Forest Hill United Church.  The church is wheelchair accessible at the second door from the roadway. Women of all denomination of faith are encourage to come to help plan for the World Day of Prayer which will be held on March 3. On that day please join us with 170 Countries worldwide as we pray for justice and peace.

Friday Organ Recitals – All are welcome each Friday at Christ Church Cathedral at 12:10pm to hear David Drinkell play the pipe organ in recital.  No admission, but there will be a free will offering.