October Celebrations

Baptism-2015-10Birthdays-2015-10There was plenty to celebrate on the first Sunday of October 2015! On this World Communion Sunday we celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion with our church family here in Fredericton and with our extended Christian family in  churches all around the world. We also welcomed a new member to our local family through the Sacrament of Baptism, and as all families do, we honoured those among us with birthdays in the month of October.

The lesson of Mark 10:13-16 never rang so true!


Announcements for October 4, 2015

Thank you to this week’s volunteers:

  • Offering Receivers:
    • Elders
    • Next Week: Max & Mavis Cater, Al & Jean Boudreau
  • Counters:
    • Rose Carolyn Smith, Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
    • Next Week: Rose Carolyn Smith, Al & Jean Boudreau, John White
  • Scripture Reader:
    • Dallas Davis
    • Next Week: Need a Volunteer
  • Greeters:
    • Max & Mavis Cater
    • Next Week: Max & Mavis Cater
  • Coffee Hour:
    • Blom Family
    • Next Week: Need a Volunteer
  • Nursery:
    • Jane Murray, Sonya Burrill
    • Next Week: Carol McEachern, Sheena Page
  • Church School:
    • Holly Blaikie, Jaqueline Howie, Candace & Jordan Schriver
    • Next Week: Holly Blaikie, Tamela Coolrin, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Jr/Sr High School Overnighter – From October 2nd at 6:30PM to October 3rd at noon. Campfire at Odell followed by fun and games all night at the church. Late night pizza and brunch will be served. Please let Jordan know if you are interested no later than Wednesday, September 30th.

Celebrating October Birthdays. We have reason to celebrate and thank God for his beautiful gift of life. Please join us in the Hall today for cake.

Sarah Ottens
Maggie Benoit
Miles Burrill
Candace Schriver
Bob Howie
Owen Burrill
Jeanne Kaye Speight
Jabin Zuidhof
Isabelle Berry
Gregory Astle
Aidyn Zuidhof
Carol McEachen
Colleen Watson
Alex Bramble
Mary Jane Varlan

Refugee Sponsorship

The Session of Saint Andrew’s congregation strongly supports the sponsoring of a refugee family. About a year and a half ago a study group met for several weeks and looked at the issue of refugee sponsorship. The Mission Committee has discussed this at several meetings. At the September meeting of Session a recommendation to proceed was made. The first step is to seek a commitment of financial support. To that end we have distributed a sponsorship pledge form. In fact there are two forms with the hope that you might know someone who would also like to participate in the program. More information will be forthcoming. Copies of the form will be available at the back of the church and on the church website at sapc.ca.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this matter.

Children’s Choir – Practises start Oct 16 from 4:00 – 4:30. All children from age 3 through middle school are invited to come sing. New members welcome! For more information, please contact David or Kathie Berry or the Church Office.

Mental Health Seminar – Wed, October 7 at 6:30 pm Brunswick Street Baptist Church will host an evening with Dr. Chris Summerville, CEO of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada. His topic will be “How the Church Can Facilitate Healing for and Recovery from Mental Illness”.  All are welcome.

Fall Bridge Luncheon – Thurs, October 22, at 12 noon at Nashwaaksis United Church auditorium, 46 Main Street, Fredericton. Cost is $40 per table of four with proceeds going toward church and community initiatives. Please contact Connie at 472-4744 to reserve your table.

Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church Council – Annual Meeting on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 1:30PM at Brunswick Street Baptist Church third floor. Anyone interested in the work of the Women’s Inter-Church Council is encourage to attend.

Wheels to Meals Seniors Dine-Out Luncheons – will be held on Tuesdays. Socialize, enjoy a delicious meal and hear some great music! Register for the season or the day. Registration deadline is 10 am on Mondays. Doors open at 11am. Transportation and assistance are available. The cost is $7.50 a plate. To register, call Pam at 458-9482.

Announcements for September 27, 2015

St. James Presbyterian Church’s Annual Salmon DinnerSaturday, September 26, 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. sittings. Take-out also available. Menu includes BBQ Atlantic salmon (BBQ chicken on request), vegetables, baked potato, juice, rolls, choice of homemade pie, tea & coffee. (Note: chicken must be requested before September 18.) Seating is limited, so tickets must be reserved in advance. To reserve tickets, please e-mail or call the church office at 450-4031. Please call in advance for take-out orders. Tickets: $18 per ticket or 2 for $35.00.

Thank you to this week’s volunteers:

  • Offering Receivers:
    • Wanda Klingbell, Vergil & Mary Varlan
    • Next Week: Elders
  • Counters:
    • David Dell, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson, Heather Labadie
    • Next Week: Rose Carolyn Smith, Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
  • Scripture Reader:
    • Jeanne Kaye Speight
    • Next Week: Dallas Davis
  • Greeters:
    • Peggy & Calvin MacIntosh
    • Next Week: Max & Mavis Cater
  • Coffee Hour:
    • Choir
    • Next Week: Blom Family
  • Nursery:
    • Sonya & Jeremy Burrill
    • Next Week: Jane Murray, Linda Pond
  • Church School:
    • Sarah Zuidhof, Teri Astle, Jordan & Candace Schriver
    • Next Week: Sarah Zuidhof, Teri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

“The Link” – is available at the back of the sanctuary. Please pick up your copy and save on postage and delivery costs. Thank you

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, September 27th from 6:30 to 9:30 it’s Taco night! Please let Jordan know by Saturday the 25th if you are interested.

Jr/Sr High School Overnighter – From October 2nd at 6:30PM to October 3rd at noon. Campfire at Odell followed by fun and games all night at the church. Late night pizza and brunch will be served. Please let Jordan know if you are interested no later than Wednesday, September 30th.

Letter Writing Circle for Syrian Refugees – Sunday, Sept 27 at Noon, you are invited to join us at Forest Hill United Church. We will share a potluck lunch together, educate ourselves on the issue, and write letters to government to urge them to change their approach and welcome more refugees to Canada in this time of crisis.

Wheels to Meals Seniors Dine-Out Luncheons – will be held on Tuesdays. Socialize, enjoy a delicious meal and hear some great music! Register for the season or the day. Registration deadline is 10 am on Mondays. Doors open at 11am. Transportation and assistance are available. The cost is $7.50 a plate. To register, call Pam at 458-9482.

Fall Bridge Luncheon – Thursday, October 22, at 12 noon at Nashwaaksis United Church auditorium, 46 Main Street, Fredericton. Cost is $40 per table of four with proceeds going toward church and community initiatives. Please contact Connie at 472-4744 to reserve your table.

Refugee Sponsorship

The Session of Saint Andrew’s congregation strongly supports the sponsoring of a refugee family. About a year and a half ago a study group met for several weeks and looked at the issue of refugee sponsorship. The Mission Committee has discussed this at several meetings. At the September meeting of Session a recommendation to proceed was made. The first step is to seek a commitment of financial support. To that end we have distributed a sponsorship pledge form. In fact there are two forms with the hope that you might know someone who would also like to participate in the program. More information will be forthcoming. Copies of the form will be available at the back of the church, in The Link and on the website.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this matter.

Announcements for September 20, 2015

Thank you to this week’s volunteers:

  • Offering Receivers:
    • Jessie Sagawa, Stephen MacKay, David & Leslee Dell
    • Next Week: Wanda Klingbell, Vergil & Mary Varlan
  • Counters:
    • David Dell, Drew Speight, John White, Vickie MacLeod
    • Next Week: David Dell, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson, Heather Labadie
  • Scripture Reader:
    • Kathy MacKay
    • Next Week: Jeanne Kaye Speight
  • Greeters:
    • Ruth & Hollie Craig
    • Next Week: Need Volunteers
  • Coffee Hour:
    • Need a Volunteer
    • Next Week: Choir
  • Nursery:
    • Cindy Cunningham & Alex Cunningham
    • Next Week: Sonya & Jeremy Burrill
  • Church School:
    • Sarah Zuidhof, Teri Astle, Jordan & Candace Schriver
    • Next Week: Sarah Zuidhof, Teri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Church School If you would like to be a part of our team as a storyteller or greeter please talk to Sheila or Terri.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Group meets at 9:30 in the kitchen to enjoy each other’s company along with a cup of coffee/tea, some lovely goodies and devotions. Please come and join us.

Church Corn Boil

Please note the change of time and venue. We will gather this Sunday, September 20 from 3 – 6pm, at the home of Aron & Sarah Zuidhof. All meals will take place on he “upper level”. Those wishing to participate in water activities may do so. Aron has a large waterslide. Rides will be available. Corn and beverages will be provided, you are welcome to bring salads, vegetables, rolls, dessert, etc.
Rain date: If rain is forecast, a decision will be made on Sat, Sept 19th to hold the event in the church hall following worship service.

Upper Kingsclear, NB E3E 2L2, Canada

to the Zuidhof’s: (56 Lee Dr, Upper Kingsclear, NB). Proceed north on Highway 102 (old Woodstock Rd). Travel about 24km. Drive 5 minutes past the sign for the Mactaquac Dam. Lee Drive is on the right before coming to the bridge. At the flashing light, turn right on Lee Drive. (About 20-25 minutes from downtown.)

Refugee Sponsorship

The Session of Saint Andrew’s congregation strongly supports the sponsoring of a refugee family. About a year and a half ago a study group met for several weeks and looked at the issue of refugee sponsorship. The Mission Committee has discussed this at several meetings. At the September meeting of Session a recommendation to proceed was made. The first step is to seek a commitment of financial support. To that end we have included a sponsorship pledge form in the bulletin. In fact there are two forms with the hope that you might know someone who would also like to participate in the program. More information will be forthcoming. Copies will also be available at the back of the church and in The Link.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this matter.

Jr/Sr High School Overnighter – From October 2nd at 6:30PM to October 3rd at noon. Campfire at Odell followed by fun and games all night at the church. Late night pizza and brunch will be served. Please let Jordan know if you are interested no later than Wednesday, September 30th.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, September 27th from 6:30 to 9:30 it’s Taco night! Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated. Please let Jordan know by Saturday the 25th if you are interested.

Yoga for Pain Relief – Mondays at 4 pm, September 21st to December 14 at Shannex Parkland. Everyone is welcome but space is limited. Please register by emailing Penny at ppacey@shannex.com

“Writing Our Lives” Writers’ Group – Beginning Sept. 21 from 2 – 4 pm at Shannex Parkland. Meetings are held once a month and are free and open to the public. To RSVP please call Penny at 460-8546

Special Service of Celebration and Praise by the Chapter of the Order of St. Luke at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Sept 20 at 2:00 p.m. All are welcome to share personal testimonies of miraculous healing and answers to prayers. Anointing with oil, laying on of hands, prayers for healing and Holy Communion.

St. James Presbyterian Church’s Annual Salmon Dinner – Saturday, September 26. Your choice of a 4:30 or 6:30 p.m. sitting. Take-out is also available. The menu includes BBQ Atlantic salmon (BBQ chicken on request as substitute), mixed vegetables, baked potato, juice, rolls, choice of homemade pie, and tea or coffee. (Note: chicken must be requested before September 18.) Seating is limited, so tickets must be reserved in advance. To reserve tickets, please e-mail or call the church office at 450-4031. Please call in advance for take-out orders as well (Pick-up at 5:30 p.m.) Tickets: $18 per ticket or 2 for $35.00. We hope you will be able to join us as our guest.

Fall Bridge Luncheon – Thursday, October 22, at 12 noon at Nashwaaksis United Church auditorium, 46 Main Street, Fredericton. Cost is $40 per table of four with proceeds going toward church and community initiatives. Please contact Connie at 472-4744 to reserve your table.

Fredericton, NB