All posts by stephenmackay

Announcements October 28, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct. 28)

Offering Receivers: Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh, Lucille & Don McCrea
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Vickie MacLeod
Scripture Reader: Tony Watson
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Congregational Wedding Shower for Cat and Humphrey
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Nov. 4)

Offering Receivers: Marg & Bob Leonard, Jean & Al Boudreau
Counters: Andrew Ottens, Peggy & Calvin MacIntosh
Scripture Reader: Annette Stehouwer
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Linda Pond, Phyllis Llewellyn
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Terri Astle, Jacqueline Cleland, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – Friday, Oct 26th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 27th 9am-noon here at SAPC. Donations can be dropped off Friday from 9am – 1pm.

There will be a Congregational Wedding Shower for Humphrey Akwar and Catherine Wilson (Cat) on Sunday, October 28 following the morning worship service.  It will take the form of an Enhanced Coffee Hour and sandwiches and sweets will be served as a light lunch.  We are asking that those whose last names begin with A – L, provide a plate of sweets and M – Z a plate of sandwiches.  A basket will be provided for your cards, gift cards and best wishes.

Cookie Dough – The cookie dough has arrived!  Choose from chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, ginger and shortbread.  At $10 a tub, it’s an easy way to bake cookies. The sale is a fund raiser for the Mission Committee. For pickup see Dallas Davis after worship service.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, October 28 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville from 6:30 to 8:30.  Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated. please let Jordan know if you are planning to attend.

MD&SA – The Mission Development and Social Action Committee will meet upstairs in the church hall at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 29th. Please attend if you are interested in the mission of Christ’s church and possibly serving on the committee.

Excerpts from our weekly services are now available as podcasts! If you cannot join us in person for a service, point your favourite podcast app (such as iTunes, iOS Podcasts or Google Podcasts) at and you will hear scripture readings and the message from recent services. The same audio, with or without a video track of church photographs, can be found on our homepage.

The Link – Do you have a poem, story, recipe or article you think would be of interest to others? Preparations are underway for the Advent issue of “The Link”.  Deadline for submissions is November 4th.  Please email material to the church office.  

Youth Event – Dark games and doughnuts: Sunday, November  4th from 6:30 to 8:30 at the church, we will be playing all of the lights-out favourites, and having doughnuts. Healthy snacks will also be available.

Remembrance Day Bulletin Board – To commemorate Remembrance Day this year, we will be preparing a bulletin board of photos of our ancestors and family members who served in the armed forces (with a special focus on the First and Second World War). We are looking for copies of photos, and a line or two describing the individuals’ service history. If you would like to be a part of this, please let Jordan or Terri know.

Parking Restrictions – Winter parking restrictions go into effect on November 1st along Carleton Street as well as other nearby streets.  Please watch for winter parking restriction signs and follow city by-laws to avoid ticketing.

Hallowe’en Tea – Friday, October 26 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm at St. James Church.  A spook-tabular event, with tea/coffee, sandwiches, cake, treats and door prizes. Hosted by the G.R.O.W. Group, feat. music by The Fiddlers Fancy. No registration necessary, no cost, but freewill donations accepted (in support of a local community initiative) Feel free to dress up in costume or Hallowe’en colours.

Ten Thousand Villages Sale – The 17th Fredericton Festival Sale will be held Friday, November 9th, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM and Saturday, November 10th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Wilmot United Church, 473 King St., Fredericton. Admission is free.

Men’s Spirituality Workshop – Sts John and Paul Church, New Maryland, is hosting Mr. Bill Kolodnicki, a member of Illuman, a men’s rite of passage program developed by Fr Richard Rohr, a globally recognized ecumenical teacher and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Illuman focuses on providing men an opportunity through ritual, teaching and communication to explore what really matters to them. It will happen Wed. Nov 14 from 9:00 to 3:00 at Sts John and Paul Church hall, 727 New Maryland Hwy. Open to men of all faiths. If you want more information go to You can preregister no later than Nov 7 by contacting Phil Foreman (459-8802)(

Minister’s Moving Fund

As of October 21, the moving fund has $5,055 out of an planned $8000. As shown on the map below, at a rate of $5/km, our virtual moving van is stalled in Lévis, QC— a distance of 1011 km out of 1600). Not far to go—let’s bring it home!

Announcements October 21, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct. 21)

Offering Receivers: Al & Jean Boudreau, 2 Volunteers Needed
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Ron Bagnell
Greeters: Volunteer Needed
Coffee Hour: Blom Family
Nursery: Mary Hossack, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Oct. 28)

Offering Receivers: Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh, Lucille & Don McCrea
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Vickie MacLeod
Scripture Reader: Tony Watson
Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hour: Leifso Family
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Cookie Dough – The cookie dough has arrived!  Choose from chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, ginger and shortbread.  At $10 a tub, it’s an easy way to bake cookies. The sale is a fund raiser for the Mission Committee. For pickup see Dallas Davis on Sunday.

Pops Organ Recital: Remembering Elmer Bourque – The Fredericton Organists’ Association is pleased to present a recital of fun and entertaining organ music on Sunday, October 21 at 2pm at Christ Church Parish Church. A freewill donation at the door with proceeds going towards an organ scholarship in memory of Elmer Bourque.

There will be a Congregational Wedding Shower for Humphrey Akwar and Catherine Wilson (Cat) on Sunday, October 28 following the morning worship service.  It will take the form of an Enhanced Coffee Hour and sandwiches and sweets will be served as a light lunch.  We are asking that those whose last names begin with A – L, provide a plate of sweets and M – Z a plate of sandwiches.  A basket will be provided for your cards, gift cards and best wishes.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, October 28 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville from 6:30 to 9:30.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 26th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 27th 9am-noon. Donations can be dropped off Oct 22 to 26 from 9am – 1pm.

Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church Council – Annual General Meeting on Monday, October 22 at 1:30pm at St. Paul’s United Church. Everyone of any denomination of faith is welcome to attend.  The 2019 World Day of Prayer service prepared by the women of Slovenia. Guest speaker will be Rev. Shirley DeMerchant, President of the Canadian Women’s Inter-Church Council.

Lunch and Learn: Travel Tips for Seniors – Tuesday, October 23 at St. James Church.  Planning some retirement adventures?  Wondering about how to better protect yourself while traveling?  Are you concerned about how to health and wellness-related issues?  Ramsay Anderson from CAA Fredericton will be our guest speaker and will help address questions you may have related to travel planning and wellness.  Lunch provided.  No cost.  Please register by Monday, Oct. 22 by emailing or calling 450-4031.
*This is part of our A.C.T.S. for Seniors programming.  Funding for lunch and learns promoting seniors’ well-being, safety and social interaction/engagement was made possible under the Government of Canada’s New Horizon for Seniors Program.

Hallowe’en Tea – Friday, October 26 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm at St. James ChurchA spook-tabular event, with tea/coffee, sandwiches, cake, treats and door prizes. Hosted by the G.R.O.W. Group, feat. music by The Fiddlers Fancy. No registration necessary, no cost, but freewill donations accepted (in support of a local community initiative) Feel free to dress up in costume or Hallowe’en colours.

Minister’s Moving Fund

As of October 14, the moving fund has $5,055 out of an planned $8000. As shown on the map below, at a rate of $5/km, our virtual moving van is inching through Lévis, QC— a distance of 1011 km out of 1600).

Announcements October 14, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct. 14)

Offering Receivers: Wanda Klingbell, Rose Johnston, Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
Scripture Reader: Kathy MacKay
Greeters: Rose Johnston
Coffee Hour: Blom Family
Nursery: Rebecca Jonah, Volunteer Needed
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Oct. 21)

Offering Receivers: Al & Jean Boudreau
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reader: Ron Bagnell
Greeters: Volunteer Needed
Coffee Hour: Ardean MacKinnon Hayward & George Hayward
Nursery: Mary Hossack, Rebecca Jonah
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Youth Event – Fooserbowl Party: Sunday, October 14th from  6:30 to 8:30PM, all the fun of a Super Bowl party but around a foosball table.

Library – Our library is back in service following the floor repair work in the hall.  Stop by and have a look at the numerous titles available to be checked out.

Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church Council – Annual General Meeting on, Monday, October 22 at 1:30pm at St. Paul’s United Church. Everyone of any denomination of faith is welcome to attend.  The 2019 World Day of Prayer service has been prepared by the women of  Slovenia.
Our Guest speaker will be Rev. Shirley DeMerchant, President of the Canadian Women’s Inter-Church Council.

Thank You! – Basil and Edith Lowery would like to thank all those who attended the Open House on the occasion of Basil’s designation as Minister Emeritus of Saint Andrew’s Church.  To those who came and to those who were unable to come but sent best wishes, to those who brought greetings to us and helped to make this day a special one, we are very grateful.  God bless you all.

There will be a Congregational Wedding Shower for Humphrey Akwar and Catherine Wilson (Cat) on Sunday, October 28 following the morning worship service.  It will take the form of an Enhanced Coffee Hour and sandwiches and sweets will be served as a light lunch.  We are asking that those whose last names begin with A  – L, provide a plate of sweets and M – Z a plate of sandwiches.  A basket will be provided for your cards, gift cards and best wishes.

College and Career DinnerSunday, October 28 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville from 6:30 to 9:30. Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated, please let Jordan know if you can make it.

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 26th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 27th 9am-noon.  Donations can be dropped off Oct 22nd to 26th between 9am – 1pm.

Roast Pork Dinner – Saturday, October 20, 5:30 pm, Nashwaaksis United Church.  Enjoy roast pork with all the trimmings including homemade apple sauce, and carrot cake.  Cost is $14.  Phone 450-7151 for reservations.

Pops Organ Recital: Remembering Elmer Bourque – The Fredericton Organists’ Association (FOA) is pleased to present a recital of fun and entertaining organ music on Sunday, October 21 at 2pm at Christ Church Parish Church. Some of the works to be performed include Boellman’s “Toccata” from Suite Gothique, themes from the Harry Potter movies, an organ duet on The Stars and Stripes Forever, Denis Bedard’s Fantaisie sur O Canada, and Schneider’s Toccata on “Brother of Sleep.”  Freewill donation at the door with proceeds going towards an organ scholarship in memory of Elmer Bourque.

Joyful Sound Hand Chimes Ensemble for Seniors

As part of its ACTS for Seniors programming, St. James Presbyterian Church (Hanwell) is offering an 8-week hand chimes program.  No experience necessary.  Come and learn new music skills, make new friends, and have lots of fun.
Wednesday evenings 7-8 p.m. (Refreshments following class)
October 10 – November 28
No cost.
Instructor:  Arlene Pineo
Call or e-mail St. James to register.
450-4031 or

Minister’s Moving Fund

As of October 7, the moving fund has $5,035 out of an planned $8000. As shown on the map below, at a rate of $5/km, our virtual moving van has reached Lévis, QC— a distance of 1007 km out of 1600).

Announcements October 7, 2018

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Oct. 7)

Offering Receivers: Elders
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Brian Barnes, Paul Lawson
Scripture Reader: Andrew Speight
Greeters: Lois Eldridge
Coffee Hour: Choir
Nursery: Colleen & Tony Watson
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

Thank you to next week’s volunteers (Oct. 14)

Offering Receivers: Wanda Klingbell, Rose Johnston, Vergil & Mary Jane Varlan
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Calvin & Peggy MacIntosh
Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott
Greeters: Rose Johnston
Coffee Hour: Blom Family
Nursery: Rebecca Jonah, Volunteer Needed
Church School: Terri Astle, Candace & Jordan Schriver

This Sunday, Thanksgiving Sunday, the food bank donation boxes will be placed at the front of the church.  Please bring food stuffs to fill the boxes and hope that our donations bring comfort to those in need.

Celebration –  As you know, this spring the Rev. Dr. Lowery was honoured with the title “Minister Emeritus” at Knox (Harvey), St. James (Hanwell), and Saint Andrew’s (Fredericton).
We wish to hold a social gathering to celebrate and give thanks for the Lowerys’ contributions for over 55 years to Christ’s ministry in this area.
All are welcome to attend a gathering to be held at St. James (1991 Hwy 640, Hanwell) on Saturday, October 6 from 2-4 p.m.

Celebrating October Birthdays.

  • Sarah Ottens
  • Maggie Benoit
  • Jeanne Kaye Speight
  • Candace Schriver
  • Isabelle Berry
  • Owen Burrill
  • Colleen Watson
  • Gregory Astle
  • Mary Jane Varlan
  • Carol McEachen
  • Margie Penney
  • Alex Bramble
  • Miles Burrill 

Youth Event – Fooserbowl Party: Saturday October 13th from 5:30 to 7:30, all the fun of a Super Bowl party but around a foosball table. Please let Jordan know if you can come.

College and Career Dinner – Sunday, October 14 at Jordan and Candace’s place in Maugerville from 6:30 to 9:30. Drives can be arranged and diets accommodated, please let Jordan know if you can make it. 

Fall Indoor Yard Sale – As you prepare for Fall and Winter, please set aside clothing and household goods for this upcoming fundraiser to be held Friday, Oct 26th 6-8pm and Saturday, Oct 27th 9am-noon. 

Joyful Sound Hand Chimes Ensemble for Seniors – As part of its ACTS for Seniors programming, St. James Presbyterian Church (Hanwell) is offering an 8-week hand chimes program.
No experience necessary.  Come and learn new music skills, make new friends, and have lots of fun.  Wednesday evenings 7-8 p.m. (Refreshments following class)
October 10 – November 28
No cost.
Instructor:  Arlene Pineo
Call or e-mail St. James to register.
450-4031 or

Minister’s Moving Fund

As of September 30, the moving fund has $4,675 out of an planned $8000. As shown on the map below, at a rate of $5/km, our virtual moving van has reached Villeroy, QC — a distance of 935 km out of 1600).