Saint Andrews is a friendly, caring, believing community that welcomes everyone.

We offer Sunday worship and fellowship, pastoral care, Bible study occasionally, a music ministry , Scouts and Guides, an extensive library, mission projects including Friday morning breakfast program, and of course conducts baptisms, weddings and memorial services.
If you are looking for the current birthday pictures, you will now find them in the Celebrations archive on our Blog.
Ministry Opportunities
From hymns, responsive readings and unison prayers to sharing the peace and presenting our offering, worship involves active participation from all present. In addition, there are many opportunities for individuals to get involved. Dynamic and meaningful worship also requires preaching, scripture readings, choral and instrumental music and children’s stories. Active hospitality is important too, welcoming newcomers, guests and regular attendees before the service and catching up with a time of refreshments and fellowship following worship. If you are interested in volunteering in any of these areas of ministry call or email the church office to arrange to connect with the appropriate coordinator.