All posts by stephenmackay

Announcements January 19, 2020

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Jan 19):

Greeters: Jessie Sagawa, Humphrey Akwar
Coffee Hosts: Fraser Family
Scripture Reading: Tony Watson
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Offering Receivers: Jessie Sagawa, Humphrey Akwar, Rose Johnston, Volunteer Needed
Counters:  Rose Carolyn Smith, Roes Johnston, Bill Cockburn

Annual Meeting – You are invited to come and join together at this year’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 9th following worship service.  Potluck lunch provided by Board and Session members.

An Ecumenical worship service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held at St Dunstan’s Church Site on Wednesday, January 22nd at 12:00 noon.  All are welcome!   Contact Mary McMahon 457 0093 for further information.

Cancellation Policy

Should it be necessary to cancel or postpone the service, such as due to a storm, the decision will be made no later than 9:30am (i.e., minimum of one-and-a-half hours prior to the start of the service). Notification of cancellations will be posted on the main page of the Church website, as well as on the CBC New Brunswick Storm Centre page. If possible, a message will be sent to the congregational email list, news blog, and Twitter feed, and recorded on our telephone answering machine.


Announcements January 12, 2020

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Jan 12):

Greeters: Al & Arlene MacDonald
Coffee Hosts: Ardean MacKinnon-Hayward & George Hayward
Scripture Reading: Ron Bagnell
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Carol McEachen
Offering Receivers: Al & Arlene MacDonald, Mary Hossack, David Charters
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Ron Bagnell & Helen McKinnon Bagnell

Next week’s volunteers (Jan 19):

Greeters: Jessie Sagawa, Humphrey Akwar
Coffee Hosts: Fraser Family
Scripture Reading: Tony Watson
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Offering Receivers: Jessie Sagawa, Humphrey Akwar, Stephen MacKay, Rose Johnston
Counters:  Rose Carolyn Smith, Roes Johnston, Bill Cockburn

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the soup luncheon last Sunday.  –  Tuesday Morning Ladies Group

Annual Meeting – You are invited to come and join together at this year’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 9th following worship service.  Potluck lunch provided by Board and Session members.

World Day of Prayer Planning Meeting – The Women’s Inter-Church of Fredericton is having the World Day of Prayer Planning Meeting on Monday, January 13,2020 at 10:00AM at Christ Church Parish Church.  The 2020 World Day of Prayer service was prepared by the Women of Zimbabwe. Theme is “Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk”.  Any women of all denomination of faith are encouraged to come to help plan for the World Day of Prayer which will be held on March 6,2020. On that day please join us with 170 Countries worldwide as we pray for justice and peace.


Should it be necessary to cancel or postpone the service, such as due to a storm, the decision will be made no later than 9:30am (i.e., minimum of one-and-a-half hours prior to the start of the service). Notification of cancellations will be posted on the main page of the Church website, as well as on the CBC New Brunswick Storm Centre page. If possible, a message will be sent to the congregational email list, news blog, and Twitter feed, and recorded on our telephone answering machine.

Announcements January 5, 2020

Thank you to this week’s volunteers (Jan 5):

Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hosts: Volunteer Needed
Scripture Reading: Dallas Davis
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Offering Receivers: Lucille & Don McCrea, Wanda Klingbell, Rose Johnston
Counters:  Rose Carolyn Smith, Vickie MacLeod, Wanda Klingbell

Next week’s volunteers (Jan 12):

Greeters: Al & Arlene MacDonald
Coffee Hosts: Ardean MacKinnon-Hayward & George Hayward
Scripture Reading: Ron Bagnell
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Carol McEachen
Offering Receivers: Al & Arlene MacDonald, Mary Hossack, David Charters
Counters: Rose Carolyn Smith, Ron Bagnell & Helen McKinnon Bagnell

Please join us in the hall as we celebrate January birthdays.

  • Murray McEachen
  • Janet Higgins
  • Carly Nickerson
  • Tess Dell
  • Cindy Howie
  • Dick Speight
  • Ardean MacKinnon Hayward
  • Dallas Davis
  • Leslee Dell

Join us on Sunday for Lunch!

The Ladies Group will be hosting soup after church this Sunday, January 5th with proceeds going to Ladies Group projects.


Announcements December 22 & 29, 2019

Christmas Service at Saint Andrew’s:

Tuesday, December 24 at 6:00 pm – An All Ages Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Communion.  Please note that this will be the only Christmas Eve service.

Thank you to our volunteers:

December 22:

Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hosts: Al & Jean Boudreau
Scripture Reading: Dallas Davis
Sunday School: Sonya Burrill, David Fraser
Nursery: Carol McEachen, Sheena Page
Offering Receivers: Sheila & Greg Black, Lucille & Don McCrea
Counters: Carol Ottens, Margo & Larry Shepherd, Brian Barnes

December 29:

Greeters: Al & Arlene MacDonald
Coffee Hosts: Carol & Murray McEachen
Scripture Reading: Drew Speight
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Offering Receivers: Al & Arlene MacDonald, Victoria MacLeod, Paul Lawson
Counters: Carol Ottens, Greg & Sheila Black, Paul Lawson

January 5:

Greeters: Lucille & Don McCrea
Coffee Hosts: Volunteer Needed
Scripture Reading: Dallas Davis
Nursery: Volunteers Needed
Offering Receivers: Lucille & Don McCrea, Wanda Klingbell, Rose Johnston
Counters:  Rose Carolyn Smith, Vickie MacLeod, Wanda Klingbell

Elder Election Ballots – The deadline to return ballots is December 31.

Donations to be included in the income tax receipt for 2019 must be received no later than December 31st or postmarked by that date.  All donations in the offering plates on January 5, 2020 will be recorded in 2020.

Decorating Committee is being formed to ensure the church is decorated and floral arrangements are changed seasonally and to ensure our sanctuary remains a beautiful place of worship. Our first need for floral arrangements to be changed would be January, after the Christmas decorations are put away.  If you are interested in offering ideas or serving in this way, please contact Kathie Berry after church.